...wearing the disguise of ordinary people living ordinary lives. Tracy Chapman
This past week has been a hard week, filled with countless emotions and many tears as we muddled our way through the many events that need to take place after the death of a loved one.
If it wasn't for the Angels who look like ordinary people, I'm not sure how we would have gotten through this week.
At the grave site~notes to Grady, written by siblings and cousins, tied to balloons.
I have been amazed at the outpouring of love that my daughter and son-in-law, Candice and Andy, have received during this time of Grady's death. Their church members and neighbors have been there to offer prayers, hugs, words of encouragement, comfort, food, flowers, house cleaning, cards and notes filled with words of love, and providing service during and after the funeral. They truly know how to "mourn with those who mourn and comfort those who stand in need of comfort."
(Mr. Cy, blowing "Kisses" to his baby brother)
I thank each of you for your words of love and encouragement to me and my family. I felt comforted and buoyed up as I read your comments, emails and cards. I need that strength to not only heal my broken heart but to help Candice and Andy as we rally around them and their little family to help mend their broken hearts.
(Aly - blowing her kisses)
One regret Candice had was that they hadn't taken a family picture since Grady was born. My son, Dan, took care of that with his airbrush, paints, prayers, tears and countless hours to present them a family portrait that includes their sweet baby Grady.
I am at peace knowing that Families are Forever!