Monday, April 20, 2009

More Spring Break Activities

My daughter, Jill, and her huband, Vili, celebrated their anniversary by going to Park City this weekend. I was the designated baby sitter! Yeah!

Here is adorable, happy, Troy. He's 3 months old and weighs 20 lbs! Today my arms are sore from using muscles that I haven't used for a while. He's better than going to the gym and he's more fun than lifting weights. No wonder Jill is looking so good!
Here's Keiti. She's my dancer...just turn on a little music and she starts swaying those hips.

She's also a tagger. My car was available for a little art work We discovered the outdoors. Roly Polys kept the interest of little girls. Camille was lifting rocks so everyone could see the bug village that lives there.
This was taken after 3 hours of church. If you think Caitlyn and Keiti look tired, you should see Grandma and Grandpa!
And I thought New York City was exhaus...I mean fun! This beats 'em all!
Thanks Jill for trusting me with your little ones.


gigi said...

Troy reminds me of my youngest. He was 26 lbs at 6 months old and didn't really slow down. He's 27 now and his nickname is "Big!Baby" it's funny to hear his friends call him that.

Those girls are precious and let me tell you the amount of fun Roly Polys bring around here is 'PRICELESS'!! Every morning before school we have to collect a few for the fun of it. I just have the 2 Grand~girls and they are so much fun but so much WORK!
Good job Grandma!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Man, you have such cute little grandbabies. Loved the tagging, but it wasn't my car so it's easy to say that. :)

wendy said...

Oh boy Oh boy -- I hear ya. It is such fun and a pleasure to tend our sweet grandkids --but when I am done I ask myself "HOW IN THE WORLD DID I RAISE 5 KIDS --I'M EXHAUSTED" such cute little faces

Anonymous said...

What sweet kiddos! I just wanna kiss their chubbby cheeks (not a whack-o I promise) LOL

Thank you so much for visiting me and the sweet comments.

Your blog is great too and I'll certainly be bugging ya.


Jill K said...

They are ready to come back. I'm sending a permanent marker in Keiti's bag so she draw her emotions on your car next time.

Camille said...

I think next time, I'll life up the window well covers to show the girls the hobo dwellings

Ann Marie said...

What darling grandkids!!
You are a good Grandma to tend!

Car tagging? Yikes!!

Roly polys.. I have been going to blog about them too.. My kids keep "collecting" them. I get mad because they die from them holding them so long.. Oh the joys of being a child....

Thank you for your kind comments over the weekend. I know you are newish to my blog, and that means even more to me! Thank YOU!