Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I'm always having my grandkids pose, with a smile, before I take a picture. And dang, they're so cute! But let's get don't always go around with a smile on their face!

I've captured a few moments of truth!

Can you imagine the chorus of "wails" if they were all crying together?
Hope you don't think I'm heartless. No one was hurt during the photo shoots (even though you may see tears!)


Jill K said...

Oh, mom.
Keiti was just tired.

All the other grandkids are just far less than perfect.

You know, cuz mine ARE perfect.

gigi said...

Only a grandma could get away with this post :) Funny. Those are precious children, crying or not:-)

Karen Mello Burton said...

OK, I seriously laughed out loud at this post. Maybe I am the heartless one. Thanks for the reality check!

Sondra said...

That was great! Laughing at your boldness. Will these cute grand children love you tomorrow - after they have seen this? Did they know you were taking pictures of them while they were crying? I am sure it made them more upset if they did - it would my kids.

Anyway... It was great...giggle! said...

Those were GREAT ----I can hear the wailes. poor little things. Hey, sorry I have not been blogging lately as I HAVE BEEN SO BUSY. I am moving, so I will have to do a story on that later, I have had not time girlfriend.

wendy said...

Ah, that comment above, was ME

Valerie said...

Cute pictures! I too am curious how you took these? "Hold that emotion while I grab my camera!"

jill langston kaufusi said...

Get that old picture of caitlyn back up. It was more action-y and emotional-y.

Connie said...

It just so happens my camera is out to capture the fun times of a family get together during the weeping and wailing so I'm ready! I usually say "What's wrong?" with a tender grandma voice then "click" they get their picture taken as they proceed to tell me. Others are just so ticked they don't stop their emotion for anything.
Jill, I didn't want anyone to out-do Keiti. I think she gets a 10 for her cry! It's amazing!

Camille said...

I'm still trying to figure out your log in and password to replace these pictures with my "perfect little angel" pictures that I have for two of them... :)

CB said...

Those just made me laugh! The "real moments" are sometimes the best!

The Newest Mexicans said...

Corban's makes me sad. Keiti's makes me happy. RReeeeealy happy

Yvonne said...

Those are too cute. No, I don't think you are heartless AT ALL.

You have adorable grandchildren.