Thursday, July 23, 2009


Look at this beautiful bracelet I won from April at Sweet Life in the Valley! It came today and I'm so excited! This bracelet is from Sweet Shoppe Jewelry. It's called Jungle. It has buttons, beads, and trinkets of all different textures and sizes! I love it and it looks beautiful on my wrist! (but what doesn't look good on me?) Look at the cute bag it came in! Beckie Griffiths is the talented lady who makes this jewelry. She has lots of different styles! Give her a visit! Thank you April. Thank you Beckie.

Looking ahead...I'm going to have a giveaway in the very near future. I've got to get rid of these apricots somehow!


Camille said...

OH! I can't wait to wear it!!

I mean, "what a lovely piece of jewelry, that will look so cute on you!" :)

gigi said...

I wish I lived closer I'd borrow that one. I love bracelets and never go anywhere with out one on my arm. I feel naked with out one. You are a lucky lady!

Valerie said...

Very nice! Congratulations.

I'd sign up for an apricot giveaway, as long as they were in jam or cake form! :)
If they just come in a B.O.X. I would say "no way"! I have an issue with boxes.

Karen Mello Burton said...

I think apricots could make a lovely bracelet!

vanessa said...

Isn't it fun to win giveaways?! I love it :)

Yvonne said...

So cute--Congratulations.

LOL at the apricot giveaway.

Small House said...

HEY....CONGRATS!!!! The jewelry is beautiful.

You still have the apricots???? I'd be jumpin all over that.

Nana said...

Great bracelet. My apricots were ripe over a month ago. What is up w/ that? There all gone now.

Susan said...

OH my gosh you are a pro blogger. Congratulations on your bracelet win! Why didn't you wear it to school?

Kamee said...

I LOVE this!! I bet it is adorable on you:) but hey like you said what doesn't, right? Your too cute