Monday, June 28, 2010

Time Capsule

(google image)
Last week we cleaned out the Relief Society closet at church.  Hidden on the top shelf was a box filled with sealed envelopes, dated April 1990.  We had discovered a 20-year-old time capsule that needed to be dispersed to the rightful owners!  Half of the authors have already passed on but they had names of children and grandchildren on the outside of the envelopes so that I could give the letters containing words of love, encouragement, testimony, and wisdom to the rightful owners. 

I was excited to be the bearer of such treasure.  On Sunday, I carried the envelopes to several different people.  They were reverently surprised and pleased to receive this valuable gem.  I took 2 envelopes to an elderly widow in our ward, who had written letters to her children.  I handed them to her with the explanation of what we found and how delighted I was to give them out.  She looked at the envelopes, then at me, tossed the envelopes on the table and said, "I'm not giving these to MY kids!  They're as-h---s!

So much for being overjoyed!


Heffalump said...

My how 20 years can change things! I hope I still like my kids in 20 years...

Kristina P. said...

Haha! How funny!

CB said...

That poor woman - How sad to be in that situation!

I think those letters would be such an awesome treasure!!!
What a great idea someone had 20 years ago!

Barbaloot said...

Wow-hope the other recipients were more excited!

Julie Harward said...

Sad...but I hope the others loved it, I think that would be so neat! :D

Ann Marie said...

Ha-ha.. gotta love old people.
They tell it how it is...

I seriously think that box is such a NEAT idea! If/when I am back in RS.. we are totally doing that! I think things like that are the greatest treasures!!

PS: Love ya Connie! I'm going to go back and read all about your trip as I can.. please bear with me!

Jenny said...

Awe, OLD PEOPLE! They view things very differently than we do.

Time Capsule: that would make for a great family night! Thanks, think you just planned our family night lesson for me.

Cheeseboy said...

LOL! Happy, friendly feeling eliminated!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

I think I'm not getting over that.......ever.

Rebecca said...

Oh I was feeling such sweet, tender feelings until the end! Lol, that's funny.

Tracy said...

SO sad, but can be so true!

What a great idea and a fun thing to get to deliver for the most part!! :-)

Valerie said...

Oh shoot! Now that is
I remember that box :) I was chuckling before I even got to the best part! You never know what you're gonna run into in that closet!!!

Carol said...

Hi Connie,
Thanks a bunch for coming by to visit my blog! Come visit anytime!

That poor woman,she must enjoy being bitter, sad.


Teachinfourth said...

I have my students (5th graders) write themselves a letter which I mail when they're either juniors or seniors in high school.

I'll get some kids who'll come back and tell me what they wrote to themselves. It's awesome...

Unknown said...

Oh Connie, I have a feeling I know this person. Keep up the good work!

Yvonne said...

I hope she was just having a bad day ; )

I'm glad the majority of them were touched--such a wonderful thing to have things like that. You must have enjoyed the experience--well, most of it.

wendy said...

Yikes....I guess no matter what, there are always a few a-holes in the world eh.
that was funny
and I was giggling, thinking of YOUR silent ?? giggling, during sunday service of that elderly lady reading from the scriptures and having to say "ass"

gigi said...

Wow, I guess that was a shock to hear. I don't even know how I would have responded to that one.

I would hope that I would so treat my mother that she would never have to make a comment like that about me or my siblings. Old people do get cranky sometimes :)

Karen Mello Burton said...

ROFL I reallllly wan to read those letters now.

Anonymous said...

don't hide your feelings dear sister!
our R.S. closet needs cleaned out also. on Sunday I noticed the centerpiece was from about 17 years ago when I was RS president and it was hideous then!

Beth at Aunties said...

Oh how funny! I was getting sentimental... 20 years must have changed the dynamics in her family! Whoa:)
From her comment, my heart goes out to her...or maybe to her kids!:)

Heather said...

That is so awesome you found that!

That is hilarious what the widow said! LOL!!

Valerie said...

What a treasure for sure!! I can't imagine getting something like that. I'm sure that MOST people were excited to read theirs. :)