Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Expressive Language

Six-year-old G is a speech student working on expressive language.  We were looking at "Let's Predict" cards during therapy.  One card has a picture of a woman getting her hair cut.  I asked him what was happening in the picture:
G - She's getting her hair cut.
Me - What do you think people will say when they see her hair cut?
G - They'll say she looks like a boy and they don't like her hair!
Me - Girls can have short hair, can't they?
G - No, girls look dumb with short hair.  They look like boys.
Me - I have short hair.  Am I a boy, or a girl?
He looked at me through his thick glasses and said, "You have white hair so you're a girl!"

I think it's time to release G from speech.  He can express himself just fine!


Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Oh my funniness!!!

The reasoning seems simple yet complicated.

Yes, I think G is ready for his next class.
Kindness 101 also known as "no those pants don't make your butt look big" and other nice things to say class.

Barbaloot said...

This makes me nervous about my dad who has white hair...

Julie Harward said...

I would agree with you there! That kid can speak just fine! Boys...they always like long hair don't they?! ;D

Vicki @ Grams Made It said...

Hilarious! And, yes, he is definitely able to express himself.

Tracy said...

Be thankful he didn't call you old because of your white hair!! When one of our daughter's was 3 years old she did that once to a lady who had white hair and she wasn't old...just had white hair!! Ya gotta love kids...right??!!

Thanks for another smile!

Joanie said...

What a cute story! Good to know that he thinks you are a girl.

Amy said...

Ha! Kids say the funniest things!! Love it!

CB said...

It really is funny the perceptions that children have.

gigi said...

I love your speech kids stories! I still chuckle about Playing with Clay :)
BTW, I love your white hair!

karen said...

You must love your job - I wish I'd thought of that career way back when because I think I'd have loved it too! I love the things kids say...most of the time. So let me see...your white hair makes you a girl. Well, it also makes you beautiful!

Anonymous said...

i guess if we ask the little darlings the questions then we will get the answers whether we want them or not. tooo funny. and yes release the little critter!

Mikki said...

Love it! He can definitely express himself just fine!

Valerie said...

Well...good thing we got that cleared up!
Hey~ he doesn't have a cousin that lives up by me and likes to go to basketball games, does he? ;)

Yvonne said...

That is too cute.

And, btw, I LOVE your hair.

lesa said...

Ah, cute story! made me smile.

Julie said...

Ha Ha Ha!!! This made my whole day! Kids. And I thought mine were WAY TOO EXPRESSIVE. (like when Cameron pats my belly and says "why is your belly so much bigger than mine, do you have a baby in there!?" Yeah, I love those mornings. :)

**Wow and what GORGEOUS pictures you got in Arizona! Looks like a fun trip! Those lemons make my mouth water!

I also can't wait to see the room you painted YELLOW!

Jenny Lynn said...

LOL...sounds like he gets it!

Ann Marie said...

SUPER cute! Pure honesty!!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Yes, I think G needs to be released ASAP. Did he say, "Move it, Whitey!" when your session was over?

Beth at Aunties said...

:D You did good. That boy can express himself well. How funny:)

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Oh my how cute is this post. Yep I think G is ready to move on in this world. lol
Speaking of world I am participating in the One World One Heart giveaway this year so if you get a chance come by and put your name in the hat.
Hope your having a great weekend

Susan R said...

Oh this is too cute. Out of the mouths of babes.
G is a smart cookie.

Teachinfourth said...

Some of the things kids say...

Anonymous said...

hhaahaha! Reminds me of the time in fourth grade that I got the "Princess Di" cut and ended up looking like a boy so much that my regular partner in gym class wouldn't square dance with me the next day. :( You're right, though, I think G is just fine.