It's a Sunday evening. Mother and daughter visit the church parking lot for another lesson in bike riding without training wheels.
"Mom, I'm scared! Hang on to me!"
"I'll hold on at first, then I'm going to let go when I know you don't need me; but I'll stay close in case you start to fall."
"I promise!"

LOVE it! I spent yesterday afternoon teaching my 4 y/o to ride her bike (bending over a TEENY bike for that long = ouchy back!) ... So fun, but I wish there would have been somebody to take pictures!
Great shot.
Such a special moment--and it's always great when it ends with SUCCESS!!!!
Love the concentration face! I know for a fact that sticking your tongue out helps you balance better:)
That is always such a great moment for the learner and the teacher.
So cute. AND a metaphor for life as well. I remember these days & I miss them.
Warmly, Michelle
Awww, this makes me miss Camille!
I'm struck by how beautiful they both are.
Nothing to fear.... Mom's there to catch you :)
Nice to have a great mom that will always be there for you!
Great Kodachrome!! I really need to remember to do this.
I should have my neighbor read this post, her 7 year old daughter still hasn't learned to ride a bike!
Mother and daughter are both so very beautiful!
Oh well done! I like how she sticks her tongue out when concentrating, my boy does the same.
How cute that is! Just what every kids need too! ;D
Connie, this is a WONDERFUl moment in time. I love the tongue of concentration and the sweeping hair showing that mom is moving along at a pace in order to keep up.
Great capture.
Teachinfourth stole the words from me... :)
I remember learning to ride my own bike so long ago. The fear and anticipation and then the exhilarating sense of triumph when I succeeded. What a great moment you caught.
what a great picture. Oh, the faith of a child in their parent eh.
makes me think of our Savior
cause I find myself often these days thinking...
hang on to me
I will, until I know you don't need me
but I'll be here incase you start to fall
and that is indeed the promise of an earthly parent and our heavenly parent.
That is a great action photo! Watching and helping my children learn to ride a bike is one of my fondest memories.
I love the expressions on both of their faces!!
Glad to hear she was successful.
That is a big day. And very symbolic of life as a mom.
Ahhh.....success! I bet she is pretty proud of herself for learning how to ride alone. She will be whizzing around before you know it.
Brings back so many memories to me!
Loved my visit here today
Ah there are a lot of lessons that can be learned from that one. :-)
I was reading you blog. Yellow/navy weddings and new grandbabies!! Your life is like mine.
Cute baby. And the wedding looks beautiful. I know what you mean about it still looking like cultural hall, felt the same, but when everyone is there I really don't think they notice. It is just afterward when you look at the pictures you notice the walls.
Great pictures but I most especially love the metaphor. I am finding that even for years when I didn't want or need my Mom, she was and is still there.
Just what our Heavenly Father says!
Hi Connie, thanks for your comment on my blog. I hope that you'll come visit as often as you can.
I've visited your blog and love the nice family atmosphere.
The bike without training wheels picture reminded me of when my kids were learning to drive the bike without training wheels for their first time. My words were almost identical.
Great wedding pictures to capture those precious moments. What a lovely couple. JB
I love this picture!! Camille is a NATURAL model isn't she? Look at the flowing hair and everything! :) I love it though, what a great mom she is, and I know where she learned it ;)
** I LOVE all the pics from the wedding!! What a gorgeous bride she made, and AWESOME job on the decor, looks like a TON OF WORK!!!!!
Oh, what a sweet moment to capture. My 5-year-old is just learning to ride a bike. She's good at riding until she notices my husband let go. :)
LOVE that picture!! Classic!!
The tongue is held just right to accomplish the task at hand!!
What a happy memory!
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