Sunday, August 16, 2009


Jordan and Jeanette spoke in church today.
Afterwards we met in our back yard for visiting and eating.

It's good to share these occasions with family...

...and good friends...

...and good eaters!

What a fun week we've had. Thanks for all your well wishes!
(Not everyone's picture is here - sometimes pictures don't turn out)


Karen Mello Burton said...

What a great day! Your whole gang is just incredible. Congrats on the accomplishment of raising such fine kids, C.

gigi said...

How fun! I know the recently returned ejoyed renewing friendships and catching up on family. They look wonderful, Connie. I know we aren't supose to be proud but I don't know how you just couldn't be :) Very blessed day.

Camille said...

Yes, so good to have everyone home again! Can't wait to see the family pictures that were taken on Saturday. Definitely will be original - where some families have their dogs in the pics, we had deer.

Sondra said...

Wow!! I bet that was one terrific sacrament meeting - two returned missionaries AND from the same family. How often does that really happen.... I guess it might happen with twins *wink..

Were there a few tears? I love the family and friends get togethers. Such a wonderful "return with honor" moment.

I love the cake!

Yvonne said...

That must have been such an amazing occasion. So glad that so many family and friends were able to be there. I'm sure you were just beaming. Congratulations.

Victoria Hayden said...

I love family get togethers! Looks like yours was a lot of fun!! I have an award for you on my blog. I hope your week is great!!

Hugs to you friend,

Kristina P. said...

Yay for your family!

Small House said...

What a GREAT day that must have been. Seriously, could a mother be more proud?????? It looks as though you were all able to relax and enjoy yourself throughout the afternoon to.
Have a great day.

Natalie said...

What a wonderful day you had. I'm certain a good time was had by all. Also quite emotional.
Welcome home to two good and faithful servants. You are a lucky MOM.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm loving reading a bit about you.:)

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

How awesome are family and friend gatherings!

family, friends, food, fun....

Melissa Miller said...

Connie what a wonderful party!

~Blessings my friend, ~Melissa :)

Tanielle said...

How wonderful!!! It makes my heart happy to see your kids back home!! How are they doing? It must be a little strange to adjust back to life away from the mission. So awesome!!!:-) Take care!

CB said...

Connie what a wonderful gathering to welcome your 2 missionaries home and back into life!!
