Saturday, August 29, 2009

Full Service!

The city is working on the sewer line.

You may remember the widow I posted about earlier. The sewer re-construction has been taking place in front of her house.
While taking care of "things" in her bathroom, she heard a deliberate knock on her door. She finished the best she could, got her walker, and shuffled as quickly as her legs would let her. There, on her porch, stood a city worker. He asked her if she could flush a "pill" down her toilet and another down the bathtub drain so the workers could observe when and where these pills would exit. She told him she would, but, asked if he could come in and turn on the water in her bathtub because it was hard for her to do since she was still recovering from a recent stroke.
He agreed.
After he flushed and turned on the bath water, he started to leave.
She asked, "Could you do something else for me while you're here?"
He said that he would.
"Could you pull up my pants?"
He did.
That's what I call service!

She was happy and I'm sure he has a story to tell!


Karen Mello Burton said...

What the...? Wow! That really is full service. That guy deserves a raise!

Heffalump said...

I wonder how he felt about it?

Yvonne said...

What a guy.

Ann Marie said...

LOL! Awesome!!!
So brave that she was willing to ask it.. and that he was willing to do it! :)

I'm sure he DID have a good story!

* My word verification is " unalone! * :)

Camille said...

I would nominate him for a promotion/wage increase! (and free sessions of therapy)

Corrine said...

seriously??? oh my goodness! what a nice gracious worker! thanks for stopping by too and yes you do have to drive the canyon it is so beautiful! I work wednesdays and friday mornings and saturday nights most of the time`!

gigi said...

This is sweet and funny at the same time. It's good to know that there are people out there willing to help.

Barbaloot said...

Wow--that's going above and beyond. Bless him for that:)

Brea Marie said...

Those men out there are seriously some of the best construction workers I have ever met. While they were in front of our house, they apologized countless times. They were also very concerned about my girls, and wanted to make sure we kept them safe. They also stopped working while the school kids walked past and made sure noone got hurt. These guys are the only plus side in the entire operation. We still have 3 more weeks! Nap time was interupted for almost 2 weeks straight.

Okay, Okay, enough blabbing. I am so glad I am not the only one who thinks these men out there are outstanding. The one in particular really deserves an award, or at least a raise. Thanks for posting the story Connie!

Kimmie said...

That is an awesome story! I have to tell you Connie what a treat it is to visit your Blog and I can't believe there is someone else out there that is a "Matlock" lover as much as I am!! I used to nurse my kids while watching Matlock every morning. Great show!

Also, I'm SO proud of you for running in that "Wasatch Women" race! That is just awesome! You are an inspiration to so many people and thanks for all of the HUMOR you bring to the Blogging world! Have a great week!!

Small House said...

What a story to go home and tell your family. But seriously...what a nice guy to do that for her. She must be the sweetest little lady.
Have a great day!

Valerie said...

Oh. My.
This is sooo funny! I am speechless :)

CB said...

That is a hoot! Is that a true story? I can't imagine :D

Sandman said...

That is the funniest thing I've read in a long time!!! I'll be chuckling all day!

Also, I liked your comment on Gigi's blog about the jury duty ... I busted out laughing on that one too.

I'm Gigi's brother, by-the-way.

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Agreed!!! Give that man the "At your Service...and Service with a Smile!" Award... and a raise for helping her "raise" her up in her time of need :o)

Awww! truly... thank goodness for the kindness of a stranger :o) haha Love it!

Where do you all live again? Every place needs more of those random acts of kindness.

Blessings & Aloha!