Friday, October 2, 2009

The Power of Prayer

Twelve years ago, we had three missionaries in the field so I took on a newspaper route in my neighborhood to supplement our income. I would leave the house at 4:00 a.m. with the newspaper bag over my shoulders and "walk the streets" delivering news to unsuspecting neighbors. In a cul-de-sac lived a dog. A big dog. A big, black dog that blended into the shadows and waited until I was in front of his owner's house. He would charge out after me, barking and growling, then trot back into the shadows, chuckling.
Each morning, he came a little closer, until I could actually feel his breath on my leg.  Let me clarify, I do like dogs, but this one had me shaking in my shoes.  After several days of his recurring game, I realized I needed a higher power to get rid of the nuisance and to be rid of my fear of entering that cul-de-sac. There were many heart-felt prayers said before I left my house and then said again as I approached that house.

One morning, the big, black dog didn't come out. I assumed that his owners were tired of hearing his barking at 4:30 in the morning and had either put him in the back yard, the house or garage.
Fast forward 3 weeks.  It was preschool registration and one of the boys coming to my preschool lived in that cul-de-sac.  I asked his mother if they lived in the house with the big black dog. (How else would I describe it?)  Much to my delight surprise, she told me that the dog had been killed by a car three weeks prior!
So...there you have it.  Never underestimate the power of prayer.
Is there anything you want to be rid of?


Yvonne said...

Prayer is pretty powerful, eh ; )

gigi said...

Well mercy, I didn't know you could pray something to death :)
Great story and I do believe in the power of prayer and of Priesthood blessings :)

The Pettit Family said...

I love your blog, Connie! So funny and sweet.

Jill K said...

Sorry I got you caught up in such a dangerous job.

Karen Mello Burton said...

I love this story! Was Andy driving the car?

Sondra said...

The power of prayer is awesome! Many miracles have come into my life through prayer -- and the priesthood.

Kazzy's comments were fun-NY :-D

Valerie said...

Ha! :) Very funny story!
You have some pretty good connections, there!

The Newest Mexicans said...

I met this guy named Stan. He took me to Southern Utah for his family reunion. Not a big fan.

How much you charge for a hit?

Tanielle said...

O.K. that is pretty stinkin' funny!! I use to have a blue heeler chase me when I rode my bike to piano lessons, I was sooo terrified, I guess my prayers weren't quite that strong, although his owners did finally tie him up!:-)

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Uh, could you get rid of my dirty house?

GT said...

You are a riot, even for a sister! But I love you anyway. Remember how much trouble you used to get in when I would dutifully surrender my stellar report card to our parents and then you would sheepishly show them yours. I loved those days at least I felt like I was getting some revenge for all the times that you accused me of stuff I never did. Yeah, this story kind of reminds me of those days.

Unknown said...

I remember it being the other way around...the first thing that goes is the memory!