Friday, October 30, 2009

What I was Meant to Do!

Today's my day off of work.  This morning I announced that I had 4 days worth of work to do today!  I was ready.  In my mind I organized my day.

My daughter called at 7:30.  During the conversation, she found out I wasn't going to work.  "You have the day off?" she questioned with excitement.  "Why don't you come....."

That was how it all happened.

Forget about the 4 buckets of grapes that need juicing

Forget about the week's worth of laundry.

Those bathrooms don't need to be cleaned until next week.

The lady in our ward who is sick will just have to wait another day for a visit.

Organized closets?  A waste of time!

All of this can wait until tomorrow - when I have 5 days worth of work to do!

THIS is what I was meant to do today.

A Halloween parade at the Divine Miss Em's school is much more important, especially when Em is in it! 

When Em's mother asked if she was going to take her witch's broom to school for the parade, she looked at her mom as if she had gone crazy and said, "Mom, we're NOT supposed to take weapons to school!"
Have a safe Halloween and beware of brooms!


CB said...

How fun!!! That other stuff can wait - Totally!
And it is nice to see a school where they still let the kids dress up. They have totally banned it around here. I miss it.

Sondra said...

You are now crowned "World's BEST Grandma!!! I would have left 4 days of work behind tooo!! Good for you... Now just deligate the rest and you'll be back down to 1 day next time! he he

From your last post.... 11 size shoe litter box??????? EEeeeeewwww!

Happy Halloween! Enjoy your day off and don't work so hard!

Camille said...

She's so spoiled! :)
Glad you were able to go. And don't worry about your laundry list of things to do (no pun intended)... leave it for the maid!

KC said...

Any kind of "to do" list can wait, especially when a once a year parade comes along! AWESOME!

Ann Marie said...

It shows how sick I am that all I want to do is clean that closet.

Glad you spent time with the Grandkids... :)

Yvonne said...

All that other STUFF can get done ANYTIME--moments like that are to be ENJOYED THEN AND THERE.

Happy Halloween to you, too.

Chelsey said...

I love that little girl! Shes so lucky to have an AMAZING grandma!

Erin Ann said...

Way to choose the better part - and those bathrooms will be even more fun to clean when you can think back to why they're so darn dirty after many days with no attention. Miss Em looks thrilled :)

gigi said...

I feel your pain :) but when fun is to be had, I"M THERE too!
That is the cutest thing she said. Shame kids have to be so careful. Who knew a broom could be called such?

Karen Mello Burton said...

I think Mr. Langston can do the laundry. You deserve a day of Grandma-ing. Glad you went!

Valerie said...

Sounds like the perfect day! :)
My mom always says "It'll be there when you get back." (the housework)...Wherein lies the problem!!!

I went to a costume parade today too! While there, I saw a celebrity...and was mistaken for Shane's grandmother...again (sigh).

Julie Harward said...

You made the right choice for sure...hope you had fun, I'm sure the kids loved that YOU were there!
Come say hi :D

The Pettit Family said...

Somehow I already knew Emily would be a witch for Halloween. She's such a doll.


Sorry to ruin your day....:) Get Henry to help you with the laundry.

Emma said...

Funny about the broom, what a sweety!!

Work will always wait for another day, but memories don't. good choice.

I always did that to my mom when she had the day off, no work for her only play time with me and the grand kids!!!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Such a cute Em!
Ya, I keep my broom loaded all the time, it's a great weapon indeed.
Have a Happy Spooky Halloween!

Valerie said...

How fun that you got to go! I went to my children's parade, but my parents work and have never been able to go. I know they would love to look up and see them standing there watching. So great you went.

Linda said...

You did exactly what you were meant to do...spending time and making memories with beautiful Em!

Have a great Halloween!

vanessa said...

Aww this is what makes Grandmas the best

Melissa Miller said...

How fun Connie! You are so right. Good times like this are priceless and meant to cherish. She looks adorable!

wendy said...

If you re-read Emma's comment above ----that is so true. Sometimes I had to NOT let the kids know when I had a day off or they'd always whisk me away for more FUN things to do.
And ya know, it was always more FUN --to be with my kids and grandkids. And now that I am far away, I am glad I didn't take advantage of those "wasted work days??"
not wasted when you are with the ones you love.
I have mixed emotions about a ZILLION things.
and good post on mixed emotions.

Barbaloot said...

Glad you got to have a fun parade event! Have fun with all the backed-up work:)

Kimmie said...

Yes, it's priceless memories like this that are MUCH more important than menial things like laundry, canning, etc...

I love the joy and LOVE that you have for your kids and grandkids and it shows through in every post that you do!

Thanks for always inspiring me!