Sunday, November 29, 2009

Christmas Lights Events

Here in Utah there are many places where you can see Christmas lights. 
The most famous is Temple Square in Salt Lake City. 

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Farther South is the Festival of Lights in Spanish Fork

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Salem Pond is a sight to behold!

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Thanksgiving Point has some beautiful lights you can see from your car as you drive through the Christmas wonderland!

But everyone agrees

that the very best


is the yearly

lighting of

the walnut tree!

I bet you thought that tree was only good for walnuts!



Beautiful! Wish I could have been there.

Brenda said...

Love it! I thought you were going to say...the star! Ha! It is beautiful...must have taken forever to put on all those lights!
Hey, I got a package in the mail!!! THANKS again! I love it! And the extra treats were a really fun surprise too!!

Karen Mello Burton said...

I love lit trees in people's yards! I only managed to get my front porch strung, but your tree looks fab!

Looks like #8 and Harry were happy about it!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Wow, that's as good as I could make it over cyberspace.

I think the walnut tree is the best!

Kristina P. said...

It looks great!

Ann Marie said...

It looks awesome.

One day.. you never know -- after it dies.. it may become a bench or table.. and you can write a book about it--just like President Hinckley...

There must be something about walnut trees. :)

gigi said...

Well, how cool is that???
And the fruit of that walnut tree is the best of all! I should know, I've eaten them all by myself :)

Joanie said...

I am so glad that I am back in Utah so I can drive by and look at your magnificent tree.

Kimmie said...

Connie, I always know I will get my daily laugh when I visit your Blog!!

I am amazed at all of the gorgeous lightings there are in Utah. I have only gone and seen the lights on Temple Square, but these other places look like amazing lights as well.

AWESOME job on your walnut tree lighting. That looks it took a lot of patience to get all of those lights so perfectly put on the tree.

Have a HAPPY week!

CB said...

Ha Ha That made me laugh!
Just so you know I am falling in love with your Walnut tree!

Jill K said...

I look great! But not as great as that tree!

Camille said...

Breathtaking! Did Dad do his celebratory "drum roll" and sing "Joy to the World" before plugging in the lights?

Ted & Patty said...

Hey Connie,
Thanks for the comment on my blog! I really enjoy reading yours and the kids cute blogs. It's nice to see what at least part of the family is up to.
To answer your question... Yes, Cassady has her own house. She and her fiance bought a house in town and are just as happy as can be.
So, we are officially an empty nest. It's taking some time to adjust but we are starting to have some fun with it so... Life IS still good after the kids move out! Turns out Ted & I still kinda like each other after all! Who would have thought?

Barbaloot said...

That is impressive! I've never attempted to add lights to an outside tree----the inside one is headache enough!

wendy said...

How wonderful and no easy job I am sure getting the walnut tree decorated.
The best lights are the ones we put up in our own homes with our loved ones.

vanessa said...

ok that picture of jill is the best one!

Christy Burnett said...

This is one of my wishes this year is to take the family to see these lights. I will do it too. How come you are so awesome Connie!! Sure love ya!!! This is a pretty sweet comment!!!!!

Yvonne said...

The cat looks VERY IMPRESSED ; )


Valerie said...

Looks gorgeous! Are you charging admission? I might have to drive by...:)

Jenny said...


I just love the sight of lights all over the valley at this time of year.