Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Pantry Mix - BROWNIES!

Years ago I bought this recipe book.  It is filled with mix recipes for breads, brownies, cakes, cookies, dressings, drinks, etc. This book has been used until it has fallen apart!  These mixes are so good to have on hand to make cookies or brownies or pancakes in a hurry! 

Earlier this year, we met together as a Relief Society and made 2 kinds of pantry mixes; brownie and "Bisquick."   Here is the recipe for the brownie mix. 

6 cups flour
4 teapoons baking powder
4 teaspoons salt
8 cups sugar
1 (8 oz.) can unsweetened cocoa
2 cups vegetable shortening
In a large bowl, sift together flour, baking powder and salt.  Add sugar and cocoa.  Blend well.  With a pastry blender, cut in shortening until evenly distributed.  Put in a large airtight container.  Label.  Store in a cool, dry place.  Makes about 17 cups of brownie mix.

Here is the recipe to make the brownies:
4 cups brownie mix
4 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
Mix well. Pour in 9x13 pan.  Bake 25-30 minutes at 350 degrees. (Don't overbake)

This is very easy to make and makes a great gift for neighbors.  So...if my neighbors don't want apricot jam or popcorn cobs, they can have brownie mix! 

Head on over to Jill's blog for a lovely giveaway!  You'll be glad you did!


Ann Marie said...

Oooh! I love to hear about good cookbooks. I kinda have an addiction.. and search DI's for old ones and ward cookbooks.. because those usually have good recipes! I will look for this one!

Those brownies look YUMMY!

Is Jill your daughter also? If so.. you have some talented Daughters!!

Karen Mello Burton said...

MMMM brownies. I think that RS activity was such a great idea. I want to suggest that in my ward too!

Heffalump said...

I remember my Mom using that cookbook when I was young!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

It is a great book! I haven't used it in forever, you inspired me to get it out again!

Abatevintage said...

Oh yummy brownies are a must have for every holiday season, they turned out wonderfully.

Stop over soon and enter my giveaway.

Happy Holidays


Nana said...

Hmmmm, that is a nice way to have a treat just there and waiting. Calling my name. I don't need it I tell ya!!!!!!

Valerie said...

I remember checking that book out from the library years ago and making a mix for some friends for Christmas. Thanks for posting this one so I won't have to go hunt it down. Fun gift!

Valerie said...

I'm glad you shared this recipe! I have one for brownie mix, but it's packed in a box somewhere!
I have some other "mix" recipes too...some are from handouts I got from RS 25 years ago! :)
Good recipes never go out of style, right?

Jill K said...

Mom, I want brownies.


Kimmie said...

I LOVE this cook book! I found it years ago at DI because my mom used this a lot when I was young.

I haven't ever tried the Brownie mix. They look delicious!

Thanks for helping me remember about a FUN book I have in my kitchen that I need to use more.

BTW...your comment about the apricot jam or popcorn cobs cracked me up. I bet your neighbors just love you. I would if I lived by you!

Natalie said...

I remember using that cookbook and making mixes.
You sure inspire a lot of people with all of your industiousness.
All of the young adults loved your zucchini/pineapple cake. They couldn't believe the ingredients.
If you have some great main courses that are inexpensive and feed a lot of people, I would love to have some copies. I have to cook for about 30 young adults for after institute each week.

Yvonne said...

I'm sure I have that cookbook. I'm going to have to go look for it--thanks.

Sounds like a great Relief Society activity.

CB said...

I remember this cookbook - it is actually pretty awesome!

Sondra said...

Oh wow! I also remember this book. In fact... it is probably sitting on my shelf collecting dust. Maybe it needs to be resurrected. Thanks for encouraging me to use my cook books... ha ha ha... That was a cool RS meeting!

Julie Harward said...

I LOVE brownies, so thanks for passing it along! You are so full of good ideas! Come say hi :D

Camille said...

I like them with chocolate chips mixed in. Can your next batch have chocolate chips?

gigi said...

Love this idea so much.

Emma said...

They look so good!!

Jenny said...

I am so excited that you shared this. I was just thinking about this book but could not remember the title. My mother had a friend who use to use this book when cooking for her large family. I love that they are ready to be made up. I am going to look for the book. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

Sondra said...

Connie, because I think you are such a totally awesome woman, I am giving you a "Honest Scrap" blog award. Thanks for keeping me inspired everyday!

Barbaloot said...

What a fun idea! I had never even realized you could make those mixes.

wendy said...

Hey, I have that cookbook Make a Mix -----and I didn't (make any of the mixes)
Sorry, I am just so not good at that kind of thing.
However, a good brownie mix would seem pretty practical even for me.
But then I'd eat them --lots of them.
and that would be bad, very bad