Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Shopping at Ross

My son, Dan, has many talents.  One of which is knowing how to find awesome buys at Ross!  I have been the grateful recipient of his gifts, most of them footwear.  Here is a Christmas gift from 2 years ago. These chic, Italian, plastic, pink, boots are the greatest!  I put them right on when I got them and did a dance!  That's how awesome they are!  That was the last time I wore them because I didn't have anything to wear them with...until now!

This year Dan out-did himself!  Imagine my surprise when I opened up the brightly wrapped Christmas box to discover this coat!  This is Clara. I don't usually name my articles of clothing, but a pink and gray wool, plaid coat with pleats in the back, a belt that ties 2 inches above my natural waist line and a fur collar deserves a name!  She is a magical coat.  Just the other night, while wearing Clara, I went to pick up a pizza and when I questioned the price of the pizza, the guy knocked off $7.00!
People open doors for me,  checkstands at Wal-mart open up when I'm ready to check out, I drove to my daughter's house in half the time that it usually takes and without a police escort!

Did I mention that it also keeps me warm?  What a coat!  What a gift!  Thanks, Dan!

Now, if I could just find those pink boots!


Kristina P. said...

That coat is awesome! I never shop at Ross. I always forget about it.

Melissa Miller said...

~WOW! What a magical and gorgeous coat. You are so pretty Connie!

Many Blessings & Happy New Year!
~Melissa :)

PS I love Ross too!

Barbaloot said...

Love the picture of you in the coat! Fantastic:)

Valerie said...

Please send Dan my way! It seems I never find a good deal... even at Ross. (I had to stop and even think if there is a Ross close to me... I guess there is!)

As for Wonderful Clara, she's definitely a keeper. May your weather stay cold for a long time so you can keep wearing her!

Valerie said...

That coat looks so good on you! And I love that you named it...I mean her. :)

Karen Mello Burton said...

You look smokin' in that photo!

I would like a magic coat to get myself deals on pizza and other discounts.

Julie Harward said...


Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Love the coat! You look like a movie star! Can I have your autograph?
Lucky you to have Dan to search out such great things.
I can't imagine the magic that will happen when you find the boots. You better go out and buy a lottery ticket when you do.

Unknown said...

OOh, Clara is awesome (and your son for finding her for you!). Somehow giving her a name has made her even more magical... Maybe I need to go comb the racks and Ross and find a magical coat (or shoes for that matter) for myself. Hmm...

Ann Marie said...

That is a magical coat! :)
I love the boots too!
I love pink.. and I love Ross..

Rebecca said...

Wish you had video of your dance in those pink boots! They look like Barbie shoes- shoes that you would never be able to bend your toes in because they have zero flexibility.

Joanie said...

I am glad that I was able to see Clara before I go back to China. I know she is going to keep you warm all winter long :) You are so stylin

Brenda said...

Beautiful! I love it!
Happy New Year!

Camille said...

I wish I had a coat like Clara. Maybe she can come "visit" me one of these days? :)

Muthering Heights said...

That coat is ADORABLE!!

Small House said...

Wonderful BOOTS! Hope you find them!!!! Your son spoils you... The coat is great. It's a coat worth naming. You're a lucky duck that's for sure.

Looks like you had a great Christmas, and for that I am happy!

gigi said...

I can see why the Seas just part when they see you coming! Lucky you to have your fashion expert.

I think that next year you should wrap it up and regift it to one of your lovely daughters and just keep the joy going round and round!

Yvonne said...

You look so adorable in that pink coat--would love to see it with those boots.

I haven't been to Ross in years--we don't have them here in Canada and I forget whenever I'm in Utah.

Michelle said...

Oooo I need a coat like that. You make a great model for it.... Should I ask what other presents Dan buys for other people? I have a feeling there are some doozies in there.

The Newest Mexicans said...

You LOST those BOOTS!!!!??

I don't even know who you are anymore.

Valerie said...

Wow! That is one stunning coat!
I hope you find the boots soon...
I love your model pose.

And...I love the PJ picture in your last post...You guys are so much fun!

The Pleasures of Homemaking said...

Love that coat! You look fantastic in it. I like Ross. I'm always pleasantly surprised when I go there.

Happy New Year!


wendy said...

Totally stylish coast and love the boots. I love pink!! You look like a regular Diva my friend.

peggy said...

I see that reading your blog will be fun, sadly we don't have a Ross here in Michigan. I wouldn't mind a pink coat and boots even at my age. I do have a neon green coat so I can find myself when I get lost. I'll visit you often, thanks for visiting me, and happy new year too.

Unknown said...

Oh Clara...Oh Christmas!

Natalie said...

Where oh where are those boots?

You look so beautiful and I do love the coat. What a great gift.

I wish you and your family a wonderful New Year.

Love n' hugs.

Jenny said...

She is beautiful! Looks warm and comfy.

I really love the boots!