Friday, December 25, 2009


It's been a fun, family filled, Christmas.  Here are some pictures of the activities.
Christmas eve at Candice and Andy's house
Santa, bless his heart, took time out of his BUSY schedule to stop by and say "Hi" to the fam.
Jeanette got a gift.

Kelsey wasn't sure about Santa.

Troy just wanted to get hold of Santa's beard.  Luckily Dan was able to hold him back!

Corban gave his list of wishes to Santa. (A little too late, buddy)

The beginning of the Nativity
David has been the donkey since he was 12 years old!  According to Emily, who played Mary, the reason why Uncle Dave is the donkey is because he won't break!  Others had their own philosophy but we'll stick with Em's.

Mary. wrapping the Baby Jesus in his swaddling clothes as Joseph looks...around.

After the reading of Luke, acting out the Nativity and singing Christmas hymns at the appropriate places, we convened in the kitchen for ginger bread house decorating.
Nicole's team consisting of Kelsey and Keiti.  Their house had the fewest decorations but those girls sure had a good time eating the candy.

Jeanette, Em and Rachael putting the final touches on the only house that stayed together!

Christmas eve in new pajamas.  Perhaps this will be our next year's Christmas picture! (perhaps not!)

Christmas morning. Jacob playing the drums.

C8 admiring her Cabbage Patch Doll.

Jeanette loving her gift...

...but not as much as Jordan loving Jill's Snuggie!

Christmas dinner with my parents, brother, sister and their families.

Ending the day with a little Wizard of Oz

and a cuddle with Troy!

I am so blessed!  I hope everyone had a fabulous day!


Julie Harward said...


Christy Burnett said...

Holy smokes!! Did you have a great day or what? How fun for you and your family. I feel so special to be the first one to comment on your awesome family pictures. Thanks for checking out my site. You were commenting right when I was still posting. How do you do this blogging so fast???

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Looks like the Big Guy did a great job at your house! Glad you had a great day. Love the pictures!

Jill K said...

I love a good old fashioned Troy cuddle!

gigi said...

I love it, awesome pictures of your fun family filled Christmas.

Joanie said...

I love all your pictures. What a fun Christmas celebration. You are making great family memories.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Great photos! Looks like a fun-filled couple of days for you guys.

Ain't this relaxing thing great??

Sondra said...

You have a VERY lucky family that Santa would stop and visit you.. Lucky! I love all the fun you have with your family. I really liked the pajama picture - it turned out wonderful. Next year I need to capture that moment too. You have a wonderful family - what a cherished blessing. I'm glad you had a wonderful Christmas Day.

Ann Marie said...

Your Christmas looks alot like ours.. fun and family! :)

Love your PJ picture.. and it sounds like Snuggies were a popular gift this year! ( I have seen on many blogs.. )

Camille said...

I didn't realize Wizard of Oz was a festive movie!

Mrs4444 said...

Yes, you are blessed :)

We open new pajamas on Christmas Eve, too! :) Looks like you had a ball...

Stopping by via Kazzy's place. (I'm in Education, too.)

Brenda said...

We always get new PJs Christmas eve too! I LOVE the Gingerbread houses...FUN! AND the acted out Nativity is a hoot! We have never had a donkey in ours...but I think we need to add it!
What a wonderful family! Love the pictures with HO HO! You are the best at remembering to take those pictures...I will have to work on that one.
ENJOY the after Christmas fun and Happy New Year!!

Nana said...

Christmas is the best! Don't let Kristina see that Snuggie.

Heffalump said...

Looks like your Christmas was lovely!

Valerie said...

Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas full of things that matter most--family and hugs!

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

What lovely family photos, thanks for sharing, it looks so cozy and happy too! Cindy

Yvonne said...

Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas. Such fun times.

You truly are blessed.

Happy New Year. said...

What a beautiful family sharing a beautiful day. The blessings are huge. 2010 will be a stressfree year, one of great accomplishments and new relationships. I'm excited!

Hugs and Hope

Jenny said...

Looks like a really fun Christmas! I love how just being with family brings a smile to my face.