Sunday, January 24, 2010

Was It The Uniform?

Saturday night, Andy and I used some Outback gift certificates that our generous friends gave us for Christmas. Before we left the house, Jo-Man, who was doing Army Guard for the weekend, called to ask what we were having for dinner.  He had been given some time to leave Camp Williams to have dinner.  We invited him to join us at Outback. 

When Andy and I arrived, Jo was standing outside the restaurant in his uniform and had already gone in and put his name down and was told that it would be an hour wait.  He  told us that he wouldn't be able to wait that long and handed me the pager.  At that moment the pager vibrated and the lights came on. We walked in to the very crowded restaurant.  We were seated at a table after only an 8 minute wait.  We joked that it was Jordan's army uniform that got us in so quickly.  The waitress then brought out 2 loaves of bread instead of one and we were given a full rack of ribs and the waitress made sure we knew that we would only be charged for a half order.  We decided that we'll take Jordan with us to dinner on his army weekend from now on if that uniform really DOES work magic!  I hope that if he's deployed it will still work magic and keep him safe!


Julie Harward said...


Kristina P. said...

This makes me happy!

Yvonne said...

That is the way it should be.

gigi said...

That is so cool!! That makes me want to support Outback even more than the twice a year we seem to make it there.

We were also at the Outback on Friday night in Orlando with all our kids and GRANDs. The only thing we got was ketchup all down the Sweethearts arm and pants :( The poor waitress was so distraught. They ended up giving us 4 pieces of cheesecake to help wash out the ketchup. We said that things were okay and didn't need any dessert but when we got home and an hour later it really tasted good :)

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

My son was flying home before his deployment, the captain came out of the cockpit and handed him a big candy bar.
Another flight the stewardess moved him to a row with plenty of leg room.
People have clapped as he's walked past them.
On his way to Iraq, there was a crowd of people in Bangor Maine that go to the airports whenever there are troops being deployed (apparently Bangor airport is a takeoff point) and they put on a big display of support. Hugs, cookies, cards. Even as I type this I'm teary. I was so scared for him to be over in Iraq and I'm so grateful for the lady that walked up to my son and said "I want to give you a hug soldier!"

Ya, it's the uniform.
And ya, it's the awesome people in this country that do what they can to show love and support.

Sondra said...

Yeah for Outback! I think I need to visit them for taking such good care of a solder. I'm am proud that you were treated this way - as it should be. I hope he continues to say safe. The people who keep us safe deserve every bit of gratitude and honor we can give!

Lucky for you though - joining in a wonderful dinner at 1/2 price!

Sondra said...

Uhmmm.. Soldier.. Seriously - I should proof read before I hit post. Spelling - Yikes!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Seems like appropriate treatment to me. And he sure makes a handsome fella in that uniform. Glad you had a nice time.

Ann Marie said...

Good for you!
I'm grateful resteraunts are doing this! More people need to be appreciative!!

When food is discounted or free it makes the meal EVEN yummier! Have you noticed that? It's true!

Camille said...

Makes me wish I would have gone into the National Guard and earned a uniform!

I'm glad they show the uniform respect!!

Valerie said...

That was so nice of them! Soldiers definitely deserve more pay and respect than they get!

Tracy said...

This post has made my heart smile!! The world truly is full of GREAT people!! Thanks for sharing the "hope"!! :-)

Jenny said...

It is good to see our soldiers getting VIP treatment along with their mothers who bravely send them off to protect our freedoms.

Valerie said...

So great that you all go some special treatment. I would gladly wait so a soldier and his family could have my table. They deserve every act of respect, kindness and gratitude. :)

Natalie said...

How wonderful that he had such special treatment.
Hurray for Outback.

Fahrenheit 350° said...

I agree with everyone's sentiment! It's great to hear that the uniform garnered some well deserved respect! Please thank Jordan for his service to this great country - from me.

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

It absolutely was the uniform and Jordan was treated as he should have been. Bravo to the restaurant!

Thanks for stopping by my blog and saying hi!

Dorothy said...

We can't give them enough respect and this is a wonderful story. Thanks for sharing..

Dorothy from grammology

Melissa Miller said...

Connie I'm so happy to read this since I am a military wife! He deserves all of that and more.
Many prayers are headed his way for his safe deployment.

Many blessings to you all. ~Melissa :)

Small House said...

I love that story...and he certainly does deserve a few extra perks!!! Hope he's safe and well!

Michelle said...

That's hilarious, but in a totally good way. I love that they did nice things for you -- and regardless of whether you get anything free out of it or not, I hope you are able to do special things with him whenever he has leave!