Friday, January 8, 2010

I Wanna Hold Your Haaaannnddd....

KJ loves Beatles Rock Band! What she lacks in vocal training, she makes up for in enthusiasm!

Have a Happy Friday!


The Newest Mexicans said...

If she's not on American Idol next season.... someone seriously dropped the ball.

and may pay for that ball drop while burning in H -E -L -L Double hockey sticks.

Tracy said...

Too cute!! How could we not have a happy Friday after watching that!!!

gigi said...

Real star potential here, yall start counting those bucks!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Oh, mercy! She's precious! I agree, the newest Idol!

Yvonne said...

How fun is that--love it.

And, Happy Friday to you, too.

Ann Marie said...

I saw the title of your post.. and I was singing it.. I have been singing the Beatles so much... :)

This is SO darn cute! She is darling! ~ And my Christian does the same thing with Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds... so funny!

Have a great weekend Lady! XO

Jenny said...

Love it!!! So cute when they start singing. It was always my favorite first that each of my children did. Their voices were sweet even out of tune!

Have a great day.

Camille said...

I didn't realize that trampolines came with the Rock Band collection!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Well, she's got "hand" down at least. Sooo cute!

Unknown said...

That girl's got serious talent..probably got it from her grandma. When are you going to post the taping of you singing this song? I'll bet we'd see a lot of similarities.

Barbaloot said...

One of Rock Band's best attributes is that is introducing our younger generations to good music:)

Valerie said...

So stinkin' cute! She's obviously having a great time. :)

Julie Harward said...

Oh...that was so cute! How fun to have talent in the family! Am. she comes! Come say hi :D

Small House said...

OH MY WORD....Be still my soul!! Does it get better than this?? Don't think so!