Monday, March 15, 2010

IDES OF MARCH...37 years ago

Today is our 37th anniversary! 

A quick history of how we met.  Andy was my brother's missionary companion. I had heard about Elder Langston but hadn't met him. When my brother, Gerald, came home from his mission in May, Andy came to  the airport.  This picture was taken the day I first saw Andy. This was the second picture that I took of the two of them with my Polaroid camera.  The first picture had their heads cut off.  I'm sure Andy's thinking how dang cute I am!  My brother is thinking, "She hasn't changed a bit, just take the picture!"

We dated, then got engaged.  (I told you it was a quick history)
We were married March 15th in the Salt Lake Temple. I was 19!

We had our reception that night. This photo shows us looking at my ring - that I'll lose several years later!  No wonder we appear so serious.

Look how old we are! 
Robert Browning penned,
"Grow old with me.  The best is yet to come."
I'm thankful I have my best friend to accompany me in growing old!

Little did we know, 37 years ago, how much we'd grow!  We are now 24 strong! And we've only just begun!

Julius Caesar was told to "Beware the Ides of March!"  I'm glad we paid no attention to that warning!

"Yup, I got him!" (That's a wink)


People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

Happy, Happy Anniversary!!!

Oh, Connie - I adore this post! And the shot of your family 24 strong is the icing on the cake!

God bless you all!

gigi said...

Congratulations to you both!!! Just love the pictures so much, you were such a cute bride ;)

That is one awsome family picture! 24, wow, lucky you!

Hope yall do something fun today.

Tracy said...

Congrats on 37 years!! LOVE the photos and the story.

24...that's quite the legacy you're building!! Priceless!!

CB said...

Happy Happy Anniversary - I love your story. Brothers missionary companion - Love it!

I love how you said after 37 years you are now 24 strong - That is so awesome!!

Have a wonderful day enjoying our love!

CB said...

Oops that should say "Your" love - ha ha. I love you too but you know....(giggle)

Jenny said...

Happy Anniversary! Hope you have an amazing day. Did you take the day off from work? I love your sweet short version of how you met, married and lived happily ever after.

I married at 19 also.

Love that you winked at the camera.

Barbaloot said...

That's the kind of love story I'm never tired of hearing:)

Congrats on 37 years!!

Karen Mello Burton said...

I am LOVING those pictures!! You two are so cute together. I don't know Andy well, but anyone who could win a girl like you and be her BFF for all these years is a winner.

Happy anniversary, friend. Love you.

Brenda said...

Happy 36th Anniversary day to you!! (I LOVE that "wink" picture!!)
The "24" member family picture is SO impressive...WOW!! I think they are VERY lucky to have you!

Camille said...

37 years?!? How old does that make me?
Happy Anniversary! Hope you get to do something romantical :)

Kristina P. said...

Happy anniversary, Connie! You guys are simply adorable.

Ann Marie said...

You and my parents got married the same year! So cool... I always remember because whatever age I am turning (36) they were married one year +. You and my Mom even look like you have similar dresses.. SO FUN!

I too love your Love Story.. but so.. when did you get set up? Right there.. that day??

I LOVE your family picture.. and that CUTE necklace you are wearing! :)

Jill K said...

You guys are so old.


Julie Harward said...

CONGRATULATIONS... to a wonderful couple...go celebrate! :D

Heffalump said...

Congratulations and Happy Anniversary!

Darla said...

Congratulations to you both! What a good looking couple, yesteryear and now :-). And what a great posterity, in the immortal words of Martha Stewart--- This is a Good Thing!

Love you D

Natalie said...

Happy Anniversary. I wish you a wonderful year. Your pictures are just beautiful. You have a lovely family.

Valerie said...

Happy anniversary!!! I hope you have some fun plans to celebrate. I love all the pictures. But I do hope you fill in a few more details that you had to leave out of your quick history in another post some day.

Christine Jensen said...

Happy Anniversary!! Congrats on 37 years together. You have a beautiful family! I was a 19 year old bride too :)

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary Connie,Just love your pictures now and then. Hope you do something fun to celebrate.

KC said...

Happy Anniversary! Just so you know, my dad still does that in pictures! So impatient!

Rebecca said...

Happy anniversary!

Nana said...

What cute pictures!! I lost my wedding rings too.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Happy Anniversary!!!!!
Love the wink.
Looks like an awesome looking family!

Yvonne said...

Congratulations. Happy Anniversary.

Love the story and the pictures.

Love the family picture.

Julie said...

Congrats!! And what a family you have! A great one! :) Happy Anniversary!!! :)

Anonymous said...

happy anniversary and congrats on that big beautiful family you have! how blessed to be one of the lucky ones to grow old with your best friend! i'm doing that also!

Valerie said...

Happy Anniversary! And congratulations on 37 years!! What a great example you are to your family!