Wednesday, March 24, 2010

One Whole Year!

A year ago I came out of the "blogging closet."  
It has been an interesting journey.  I look at things in a different light, I take more pictures, I attempt to hone my writing skills, and I've made many friends.
Below is my first post.  I got one comment - from my brother.  I believe it was his first and last comment.
Stay tuned for a blog-iversary giveaway.

Living Dangerously

Yesterday was a beautiful spring day. I had the day off work so I was busy cleaning, running errands, cooking, etc. While delivering a visiting teaching paper to a woman, I was accosted by an adorable, brown-eyed, black haired, 9 year old girl who asked if I'd like to buy some lemonade. I walked to her lemonade stand and saw some cups sitting on the small table filled with an orange liquid. I asked her about the lemonade and she told me it wasn't really lemonade but more of a juice. As I gave her the money and chose my drink, wondering how long it had been sitting uncovered in the sun and imagining how it was prepared, I had second thoughts about drinking it. I drank it anyway. I got in my car. Realizing that I may have just consumed a lethal dose of kid germs. I drove the rest of the way home without a seatbelt.


gigi said...


gigi said...

Yay!! I was first!

gigi said...

Just wanted you to know how much I have enjoyed your blog and I have learned so much from you.
PLEASE keep up the good work!

Ann Marie said...

Happy Blog-aversary!!!

I love your first post! So cute!
It sure didn't take you long to go from one comment to many!!

We all have so much to learn from each other.. and I adore each of my blog friends for many reasons!

So grateful I get to meet you soon!

CB said...

Connie - I know many of us are very grateful you came out of the blogging closet - ha ha that made me smile when I read that!
Your first post is so great - Just like all of your posts your personality comes shining through. No wonder we all like to visit your blog!

Happy Blogiversary!!

Tracy said...

Congrats!! It's been fun reading your blog and getting to know you through it!!

I loved your first post. I wish I could write like that!! :-)

Karen Mello Burton said...

Hey, what did you have to lose anyway!

I am so glad you joined the blogging world!

Yvonne said...

I'm glad you are part of the blogging world.

Loved your first post--you are such a risk-taker ; )

Camille said...

I'm glad you jumped on the blog bandwagon! The world needs more creative writers like you.

Can't wait for the giveaway! :)

Reva said...

I have just visited your site for the first time. You visited mine awhile back and as you can see, I'm slow getting back. I like your first blog-a-verssary and I like that you were able to be a kid again and enjoy the ?lethal? liquid. That and the seatbelt thing shows you really know how to live dangerously. Bond..James Bond, would be proud of you too.

Rebecca said...

LOVE this first post! I just adore your sense of humor.

Valerie said...

Glad you didn't give up after only one comment. I don't even know when I started my blog or how very many posts I made with 0 comments along the way. Maybe I'll check one of these days. Glad you enjoy the blogging world. So do I!

Joanie said...

Great job Miss Connie! The year certainly has gone by quickly. Keep up the good work.

KC said...

Sorry my Dad is weird and stuff. But, you should know that...he is your brother.

Kimmie said...

Happy Blogiversary!! I feel SO blessed to know you and so grateful that we have connected. I still remember the first post you commented on my Blog. It was a post I did in May and you commented how 'random it was'.

I love Blogging for the fact that I observe more and take more photos and it has helped me hone my writing skills as well.

One of Tracy's friends that is one of the nicest men that I know, never walks by kids selling lemonade or cookies without buying some. He has such a kind heart. It was SO sweet of you to patronize that little girl and now I can't quit laughing about your comment about "lethal dose of kids germs".

It's been a hectic week...hope to be back to making regular postings next week.

As always, hope you're having a wonderful day (only one more day until the weekend) and thanks for your friendship!

Teresa said...

Miss Connie,
I am so thankful for your blog. I owe my new canning skills to you. I feel so domestic, thanks :)

Linda said...

Happy Blogoversary! I remember those days with no comments too, and I remember how scary the whole world of blogging was at the beginning. I never imagined the friendships that would develop. Now I can't see myself without it.

Your first post was're such a daredevil!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Happy Bloggyversary!
Wow, ate kid lemonade AND no are livin' life on the wild side sista!
Have a great day!

kanishk said...

Congrats!! It's been fun reading your blog and getting to know you through it!!
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Jenny said...

Wow, you live dangerously! I think I would have made a donation & passed on the drink.

Valerie said...

Ha! That's a funny story!

Blogging is so much fun! I don't dream about it anymore, but I still love doing it... 4 years later!