Monday, July 26, 2010

Sixty and Counting!

Happy 60th Birthday to Andy!
When someone is this cute, how can you not have a picture parade?

Andy, the oldest, on the left with 4 of his 5 siblings.  Look at those freckles!  If the pic was in color, you'd see that his hair is red.

He was a Super Man even at the age of 17!  Bear Lake has the best sun for a sunburn!  Ouch!

I wasn't his first love.  Bessie, the car he drove in high school, is still in the family.

I took this picture outside our basement apartment, shortly after we were married.  Debonair, don't you think?

Always playing sports, he made the cover of the Utah Power and Light magazine. He's almost as high as the guy in the middle!  Go Andy!

My favorite picture!  You're welcome to copy this pose for your "love" pictures! Not sure why we had it taken.  We'd been married almost 2 years and it was B.C   Trying to figure out who has the most hair, me or him.  I think his moustache is a little thicker than mine though!

Here we are today.  Did I mention it's my birthday also?  (Thanks, Mom and Dad)
You can tell by the number of candles on our cakes, that Andy definitely robbed the cradle!

Happy Birthday, Honey!  Hope we can share many more!



Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

You have birthdays on the same day???????????
Wow, it was a sign that you should be together.


(uh, glad you shave)

Amy said...

Happy Birthday to the both of you! Hope you have many, many more!

Melanie said...


Kristina P. said...

Happy birthday to your cute husband! And to YOU!

Tracy said...

Those pictures are priceless!! Too fun!!

Happy Birthday to the both of you!!

Doran & Jody said...

Happy Birthday to you both!!!
What a fun way to celebrate your bithday....with your Best Friend!

Barbaloot said...

What a fun post! And I would love that car, too if I had had it that long:)

Happy BirthdayS!

Julie Harward said...

That is so awesome...what fun it must be to celebrate together over the years! Hope each one gets better and better..have a great day! :D

Valerie said...

Those pictures are priceless!

Hope you both have a wonderful day~
Happy Birthday.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Loving Andy's Starsky and Hutch style! You guys are do cute! I remember one of the first times I met Andy. He walked into the room and you kind of blushed. It was sweet!

Happy birthday tp you both! You are one of my very favorite people. Love you.

Valerie said...

Happy, happy birthday(s)!!!!

CB said...

Connie I was surprised and delighted at the end to realize that you and your LOVE have your birthdays on the same day - WOW! That would be so fun!!
Happy Birthday to you both and I love all the pictures, they are so fun to look at.
Have a Super day!!

Kerin said...

Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!!
What a great thing to be able to share your birthdays!! Hope you have a wonderful birthday bash!!

Kamee said...

Happy Birthday!!!! I can't think of anything better than sharing a birthday with your true love. I must say I LOVE the picture of you too, it is adorable. I hope you 2 have a wonderful day.

gigi said...

I didn't realize you both had the same birthday as the Sweetheart? Yall are in a class of your own, being the sweetest epople around!
Love and hugs for your special day! Love all your pictures, they are great!

Teachinfourth said...

Thanks for the trip down memory lane, it was nice…

Kelly said...

I love your love pose! That made my day. Happy birthday to you both. You still look awesome!

Sharon said...

How Sweet!

Russell Fam said...

You guys still look as young as ever. Hope you had a great birthday!!

Darla said...

To my Aging friends (ha ha) HAPPY BIRTHDAY! A lot of good years and memories and wishing you many more!

Jenn Allphin said...

Happy Birthday to you Both! You look amazing! Love the picture,so cute!

Valerie said...

What a handsome man you snagged!!! Happy Birthday to both of you!! (My husband's birthday is the day before mine. It's so much fun to share!)

Serene is my name, not my life! said...

Okay seriously, cutest post ever!! I just loved it! Happy birthdays to you and him! You guys are adorable!

Julie said...

Happy Birthday to BOTH of you!!!!!!!!!!!! What a CUTE post! I love this! Great pictures! They definitely made me smile! I hope you guys had a great day! :) I wish I was as clever as you were with writing!

Jenny said...

Where are all your super cute pictures? Happy Birthday to you both. Your "love" photo is really cute.

Hope you have a great Birthday?!

Beth at Aunties said...

How fun to share a birthday!!! Your post is so clever and cute. was so clever. Not only did he rob the cradle this handsome man won a wonderful and talented bride!:-)

Happy birthday to both of you:)

Beth at Aunties said...

Hey, by the way I would LOVE some of your 'precious' Apricots! I laughed to see how you were opicking them and see you are a girl after my own heart! Haha.
I am glad he made it to his 60th birthday... We are so close in age.:-)

Beth at Aunties said...

Opps! my email is to make arrangements for the apricots:) said...

Happy birthday to you both. How fun it was looking at you post. The old neighborhood, the old car, the sunburned legs. The three candles on you cake, he he.

Ya now, you could get ahold of that 30 lbs and loose it in 2 or 3 months and at the same time, learn some life changing and controlling tips. E-mail me with your address and I'll send you some infor.


animal print gal said...

How often can that happen? Happy birthday to both of you and yes, you are the cutest couple!
I am impressed that you talked about Andy honoring his birthday in a way that yours was not that important...I felt your love and un-selfishness-What a couple!

Yvonne said...

I love that you share your birthdays--so fun.


Memories are so wonderful.