Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Triple The Fun!

Our 4th of July Weekend was busy and fun!  Hundreds of pictures were taken of family outings, fireworks, hot-air balloons, manicures, pinata breakings, pre-wedding bridal pictures, you name it, it was captured on film!  To avoid picture overload, (snore) this post will only be about 3 special people who all shared the same birthday on Monday!

Emily, Jacob and Keiti

Let's start with Jacob.  He was born 19 years ago and, being the baby of the family, was schooled by his older siblings in fashion sense.


It's good to see a young man who will dress nicely for his birthday party!

His post-party fashion is inspired by his brothers; Motel 6 slippers, an XS "wife-beater" and a large weapon completes his ensemble.  Birthday presents and big brothers are fun!

The day Jacob turned 11, his first niece, The Divine Miss Em, was born. His birthday has never been the same, it's been better!  Em had a backyard birhday party earlier in the week with her friends. 

I read that the only reason to have a child's party is so you'll know that other kids are more obnoxious than your own!

Em got her ears pierced on her birthday, thus the hair behind the ears!

Three years ago, Keiti joined the ranks of the best birth day ever!


She was born with the ability to sing and dance!  (Takes after her grandma!) Can you tell what movie was/is her favorite?  She does a good job mimicking the tin man during his song.


She's a beauty and lots of fun!

Ahhh, birthdays...more fun when they're shared!


Kristina P. said...

The more the merrier!

Tracy said...

So glad to hear your weekend was full of fun and excitement. I get the feeling there are not too many dull moments around your home!! ;-)

Family time is always full of good times!! :-)

Darla said...

In our family they didn't have the same day but we had sis on the 3, brother on the 4 and dad on the 5th of March. So often they all got celebrated on the same day, take your pick.

It is just nice to be with family, especially if you all like each other. Ha, Ha.

Barbaloot said...

I've always wanted a niece or nephew to be born on my birthday---no such luck so far! Looks like a fun day. Minus Wizard of Oz. That show will always terrify me!

CB said...

Oh my gosh I am just laughing - I cannot get over the pictures of Jacob - He belongs on Saturday Night Live or something. He must be fun to have around!!! :D
Em's birthday party looks perfect with lots of water and friends - and getting the ears pierced is definately a mile marker!
I love the wasy Keiti's name is spelled. She is a doll!!

Linda said...

Awww, how fun to share your birthday with other family memebers! It just sounds like a great time for all 3 of them!

Ann Marie said...

Hilarious pictures of Jacob! ha-ha.. and I love that saying about kids being more obnoxious than yours.. maybe I need to have a summer party.. so I can be reminded of that...

We also have 3 people in our family that share the same birthday in September.. it's fun!!

Small House said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to such cute kids. You are hillarious by the way!! Tell that handsome Jacob NICE OUTFITS!! I think your family must have such a good time when you gather together.

Anonymous said...

What great luck they've all had... to share a birthday like that! And that bouncy contraption with all the kids? Was that rented or purchased? I kinda want one now.

Julie Harward said...

I love it when lots of birthdays are on the same day=FUN! And don't ever worry about picture over load...thats the best part of a blog in my view! :D ( I would love to see more pic's of your China trip!)

Karen Mello Burton said...

Jacob. Oh. My... Love the slippers.

Camille said...

no pictures of the pinata-bustin donkey-kicks? or illegal fireworks? Now THAT was a party!

Natalie said...

The girls are the cutest. What fun to share a birthday.
Oh my gosh Jacob is hilarious. He must take after his Mom.:) It's so great to share b'days.
I share mine with a grandson and daughter-in-law.

Yvonne said...

Isn't it fun when there are birthdays to share.

Cute pictures.

Cheeseboy said...

How cool is that that they all shared the same birthday?!

Great photos and even better poses.

Melissa Miller said...

Wow! Lot's of fun birthdays all together. How wonderful the photos are Connie.

Thanks so much for coming by. Have a blessed week. ~Melissa :)

Amy said...

So true about kid's parties...I always realize that my own kids aren't so bad!

Mikki said...

What a fun birthday party that must have been. Gorgeous girls!! Jacob looks like he's a pretty good sport and a lot of fun to have around!

Doran & Jody said...

What a fun weekend! We should have drove down and joined you!
Happy Buffday!!!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

That looks like a seriously fun party! I wanna come!

Love the pictures. You look like such the most awesome mom/grandma!

Valerie said...

Jacob is certainly rockin' his own sense of personal style! You're family is so fun!
Happy birthday to Jacob, the Divine Miss Em & cute little Keiti.

Kelly said...

Lovin Jacobs outfit. It takes a confidant person to pull that off. Happy Birthday to them all!