Sunday, September 26, 2010

Reunited and It Feels So Good!

Is that song going through your mind?  Sorry, but that's how the hubs is feeling now that Bessie is back!
When Andy was in high school, a 25-year-old car joined the family fleet.  They affectionately named her "Bessie" and she was Andy's to drive.  She became quite popular with the high school kids, and Andy's claim to fame, among other things,(which won't be mentioned here) was Bessie.   After high school, Andy left for a mission, returned 2 years later, went to the University of Utah, got wise, and married me.  In the meantime, Bessie was handed down from one brother to the other. 

 A lot can happen to a poor, defenseless car when teenage boys are driving.  Over the years, a great deal of work went in to restoring this 1941 Chevy.  When we lived in Idaho, we had her for a couple of years.  There was an elderly widow that I'd take to the store and the doctor office.  She LOVED riding in Bessie, even though there are no seat belts.  While driving down the road, if anyone looked over at the car, she'd yell out the window, "This is a '41 Chevy!"  So much for being inconspicuous!

Andy's brother has had Bessie for the past several years.  He decided to give her up and asked Andy if he wanted her!  Guess what!  He did!  He flew to Denver to get her and drove all the way to Utah without any problems.  She had a nice wash on Saturday, has been driven several times, and has her own place in the gargage.  It was weird when I caught him stroking her fender while singing, "Reunited and it feels so good!" (I think that's what I saw and heard)

Me?  Jealous?  Of course not!


Jenny said...

Bessie is beautiful, so glad they are reunited.

Tracy said...

Man, that car's worth some jealousy!! ;-) So glad the reunion has finally happened!

Kristina P. said...

That is so cool! I love that it's been in the family this whole time.

Hubby said...

You've got it ALL WRONG!

I wasn't "stroking" the fender. I was helping her "towel off".

And the tune was "Back in the Saddle Again".

CB said...

Ha Ha LOVE Andy's comment :-D
Well Bessie is looking mighty fine for being an "older Gal" hee hee.
The Red is Rad and how great that she could drive so far with no problems. Just goes to show they don't make cars like they used to!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Bessie is HAWT!!!!!!!!! I think you should be jealous cuz honey you jest got replaced!


Not an inconspicuous car at all.
So gorgeous. I bet he got all sorts of eyes and honking and waves all the way from Colorado.

Julie Harward said...

That is an awesome story! I love this car..gorgeous in red too! How fun this will be...hum, maybe a kissing session in the back seat is about due...just to welcome it home?! LOL

LKP said...

LOL!!!! awesome. i have a gearhead/mechanic/CDL truck driver for a hubby, so i can totally relate. would probably be the same scenario here as well! and whether it was "reunited" or "back in the saddle again" that's exactly what mr LKP would be doing. admiring, and singing. (he sings about everything, lol.)

welcome home, bessie!

Valerie said...

That's one sweet lookin' car! How awesome that Andy could be reunited with the love of his mean such a cool car!

Karen Mello Burton said...

That last shot of Andy and Bess could be a print ad. Nice!

Mimi Sue said...

Bessie's a beauty, all right. I guess if he has to have a mistress it's good that she has a chrome bumper. Mimi

Yvonne said...

Oh, she is beautiful. My goodness. My husband would love her.

gigi said...

Great picture of Andy and his old friend, Bessie!! Love that she is Red, too. When Andy wants to get rid of her I know someone else that would give her a good home :)

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous car and a great story. Bessie is a beauty!

Barbaloot said...

That is a pretty car. And I love that there are pictures of him both when she was "new" and now:)

Valerie said...

That is a beautiful car and a nice photo of the two of them together!! If there has to be "another woman" in your hubby's life, I'm glad it's Bessie!

("Hubby's" comment made me laugh!)

Valerie said...

That is a beautiful car and a nice photo of the two of them together!! If there has to be "another woman" in your hubby's life, I'm glad it's Bessie!

("Hubby's" comment made me laugh!)

Kerin said...

Great story!! Great car!!!
Happy for you that you get to enjoy 'Bessie' again :)
Sunday drives are going to be pretty classy now :)

Mikki said...

uh oh! The other woman.
She is gorgeous! Very cool that he got his car back after all these years, and in better condition it looks like. Awesome!

Marilyn said...

Wow-that is one sweet car. I bet she has some amazing memories!

wendy said...


Bessie...great name for the car. The connection between a car and the man.........deep.

I am glad Bessie made it back home where she belongs.

Nana said...

I think towel off sounds worse than stroking......ha ha ha And thanks cuz now I can't get that song out of my head.

Julie said...

WOW!!! Now that is COOL! That is classic! What some great pictures too! I love it! I'm jealous! :)