Monday, September 20, 2010

Topic of Interest

Do you know people who are so interesting that they could talk about something as mundane as belly button lint and make it sound exciting, enthralling, and desirable?  I do! 
Let me introduce you to Dr. Langston.  We just call her Nicole.  She's a pediatrician at the Riverton Hospital and not only does she know her stuff, she's down to earth, fun and sensible!  (Tauna, I think you'd like working with her!) 

The hospital has community seminars presented by medical professionals.  Nicole, and her husband, Dan, (who happens to be my son) moved here from Albuquerque last month. She was asked to present this seminar.  The topic of discussion that night was...diarrhea in children.  (I know!  Something you'd all want to attend!) She had the attention of every parent in the room as she described symptoms, treatment, when to take your child to the doctor, how it spreads, what to and what not to feed a child who is suffering from this malady.  The word, "poop" was thrown out several times for the layman.

I could only get these two pictures of the good doctor before my camera was confiscated.  Luckily my cell phone was hidden in my purse and I was able to get a picture of the nutritious, anti-diarrheal food served during the seminar.

Nicole, we're proud of you!  Even though your presentation was exciting and enthralling, I don't have a desire to experience the disease. 
 Here's something I'll share with all of you about prevention...WASH YOUR HANDS!  Enough said.


Kristina P. said...

Well, it sure does sound interesting!

Julie Harward said...

Good advise and it sound like she got it across very well. ;D

Karen Mello Burton said...

"Dr. Langston" sounds really good!

CB said...

Anyone who can make diarrhea sound enthralling, exciting and desirable - LOL - Has got my attention!
She is very cute and I too think Dr. Langston sounds great - You must be very proud!

LKP said...

So. fun.
(did i just call liquid poop fun? no of course not! but learning from your DIL must be fun!) she looks engaging. like someone i'd want to learn things from.
you're one blessed MIL!

Heather said...

I just had to deal with this with my little girl. They told me to feed her dairy and no fruit. The only problem with that is she is allergic to dairy. So she had to have a lot of bread and pedialite. I was amazed that Ayla liked the pedialite. Usually she turns her nose up to any other drink besides her soy milk. Happy to say she is over it now!!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Amen sista! Wash your hands.

I know I would LOVE working with her. We could share diarrhea stories.........they are endless you know. Kinda like the malady itself....endless.

If Dr. Langston would love to work here, that would be fabulous. We have a pediatrician that's a twit and someday I hope he leaves. He just doesn't appreciate diarrhea stories.

Anonymous said...

how in the world did i raise my chillins without a seminar telling me the symptoms of diarrhea! i love that they offer these but back in the good ole days i guess we just knew. although i'm not sure we knew what to feed them to get them better, they just got better

Tracy said...

As my daughter would say..."Well, we are all human and it's a natural act"! (pooping that is) However, the problem arises when we do less or more of it than is normal!! ;-) Such is life!! sounded very interesting!! :-)

Kerin said...

What a cutie pie!
Yep... washing your hands a million times a day is the secret to staying healthy :)
Oh... and not pickin your boogies!
Thats the advice I gave my children... I mean, I give my children :)

Yvonne said...

Wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands--very good advice.

I'm sure she is a fabulous doctor. A lot of hard work, but we all want good doctors.

gigi said...

Oh, how proud you must be of your Dr. in the family, wish we were so lucky :)

Camille said...

YES! I made the photo cut! :) And she is amazing!!

Valerie said...

Awesome! She looks like a fabulous doctor.
And they serve refreshments after the diarrhea seminar?
Let us know what she's covering next time! :)

Jenny said...

wash your hands, I can't seem to do it enough when working at the school.

Julie said...

I needed this post when Cameron was like 18 months! But cool is this? She is an amazing woman! :) I think its so neat they live so close now! Hope all is well!

Valerie said...

She would fit in our family very well. We talk about poop all the time!! (NOt really, but it does come up in conversation -- with Inigo -- frequently). ;-)

It would be fun to go to Dr. Langston's seminars!