Tuesday, March 15, 2011

38 Years of Wedded Bliss

Hi Everyone!

Thanks for stopping by on our 38th wedding anniversary.

Just grab a piece of cake, I'm sure there's plenty!

Embrace the Ides of March. We did!


gigi said...

Wow! 38 years! Yall were such cuties back then but i think you are so beautiful now. Enjoy your special day!

Barbaloot said...

Wow-congrats on a wonderful day!!

Ann Marie said...

You and my parents were married the same year! So fun!!

Happiest anniversary.. I hope your day is fantastic!!

Carol E Wyer said...

HUGE congratulations to you both.

Kristina P. said...

Happy anniversary! You guys are awesome.

lesa said...

Those pictures are awesome. I love the cake! Congrats and happy anniversary!

Kerin said...

Happy anniversary!
Look at those smiles :)
A match made in Heaven..... 38 years and going strong !

Heffalump said...

You got married the year I was born! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!

Darla said...

Congratulations Connie and Andy! You are a shining example of a couple who has worked to make marriage work. You still like each other and are even friends. Enjoy the next 38 years!

Julie Harward said...

CONGRATULATIONS...on a wonderful event in your lives...celebrate BIG! ;D

Yvonne said...

Happy Anniversary to you both. You were a beautiful bride, and you are such a gorgeous woman today. Enjoy your special day.

karen said...

Yep - you definitely got married the same decade I did. Congratulations - what a great and special day! I hope there's lots of kissing and *winking*.

Tracy said...

Congrats on 38 years!! Celebrate BIG!!! You deserve much happiness!

Valerie said...

Congratulations & Happy Anniversary! Have a wonderful time celebrating!
Love the wedding photos!!!

Valerie said...

Yay!!! Congrats.

Camille said...

38 years?!?! Wait, that means I'm how old? yikes! Congratulations lovebirds!

mCat said...

happy happy loveday! I am always impressed and inspired by those who have big numbers for their anniversaries. In this day and age, it's like an eternity!

COngrats - love the wedding photos

CB said...

You were a beautiful bride Connie - which is not surprising since you are so beautiful now too!
Love the cake - fancy schmancy!
Sigh....I love wedding pictures.

Happy Anniversary!!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Happy anniversary, Miss C! You guys are so cute.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh, you're so beautimous as a bride!

You look the same!
What a gorgeous dress and hubs!

That's a beautiful cake. I'll bet it was the envy of every single bride 38 years ago!!!!

Happy Anniversary my friend!

Vicki @ Grams Made It said...

We got married in 1975 ... my dress was almost identical to yours. Congratulations!

Mimi Sue said...

Happy anniversary!! We got married in 1972 so we're a little ahead of you but I recognize the dress style, cake design, and grooms sideburns! Those were the days! Happy anniversary to your mom and dad too. Today would have been my grandma's (and her twin sister's) 111th birthday. Mimi

Sally said...

Connie, Happy Anniversary to you and Andy. Awesome 38yrs. We are right behind you; 38 coming in december.
Can you believe it?

Miss you being around the corner. You were always good to me. Thanks
love ya sally

Sally said...

Happy Anniversary Connie & Andy.

(as the comment above: 1973 we have similar taste must be the era??)

Wish you both many more happy years of wedded bliss!!! (don't forget eternity)

miss you around the corner. love ya sally & doug

Doran & Jody said...

Well happy day for you both!!!

Just sit back and idle over the memories and eat some chocolate!

Happy Anniversary!

Cheeseboy said...

Happy Anniversary! Love the temple on the top of the cake. That's ours too.

Jenny Lynn said...

Happy Anniversary! Hope you have many more. Love your photos.

Joanie said...

Happy Happy Anniversary Connie and Andy,
Hope you had a wonderful celebration together, and have many more in the future.

Natalie said...

Happy Anniversary Connie and Andy dear. I wish you many, many more happy years together.

You were such a beautiful bride with a handsome groom.

I really, really liked spotting you at church. It just gave me such a good feeling to see you.

Valerie said...

Woot! Woot! 38 wonderful years! Congratulations and hope you had a HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!

Natasha in Oz said...

Sorry I am so late to wish you both a happy Anniversary! What great role models you are! Here's to many more years of happiness and love.

Blessings and best wishes,

The Pettit Family said...

Happy Anniversary Uncle Andy and Aunt Connie!

wendy said...

Now aren't you a pretty bride. LOVE THE PHOTOs.
38 years is awesome, I wish I could have done 38 years with ONE guy (tee,hee) funny, but not.
It is so fun to see how the style with weddings change over the years.
Connie, I wish you many many more happy years with that man of yours.

Susan Anderson said...

We just celebrated our 38th in December! Congratulations!!


Kimmie said...

You know, they just don't make wedding cakes like they used to! What a gorgeous the cascading layers that lead to the temple. Beautiful and the gorgeous silhouette of a newly married couple in the background is priceless!!

Happy LATE anniversary!! LOVE your wedding and your hubby haven't changed much at all. What a handsome couple you are.

Here's to another 38 years of happiness!