Friday, March 11, 2011

A Bowl of Peanut M&Ms

The principal at our school has 2 bowls on his desk.  One has peanut M&Ms, the other, raw almonds.  Both are fair game for all the employees at school.  The bowl of M&Ms needs to be replenished every day.  The bowl of almonds seems to never change. 
When I walk past his office in the mornings and see the bowl filled to the brim with the colorful morsels of deliciousness, I feel happy.

One day, while visiting with the principal; with the plan to satisfy my peanut M&M craving, I noticed the bowl was almost empty. Not letting that deter me, I said out loud  that I wanted an orange one.  He looked at me as I reached in to the bowl to retrieve the desired goody and said, "I knew you wanted that orange one, that's why I told everyone who came in to put it back!" 

It still tasted good! 


Kristina P. said...

I would definitely take the almonds, but only when the M&Ms were gone!

Susan R said...

I would take the almonds if they were chocolate coated and then had a colorful candy shell on the outside.
I'm only joking. I happen to LOVE almonds. I get a large can of Blue Diamond Smokehouse almonds every Christmas in my stocking because Santa knows how much I love them. I've been getting them every year since I was in 7th grade. I like them raw and in salads too.
I think peanut M&Ms are the best, I can't stand the plain...they're just too.....plain.
I would choose a yellow one.

Tracy said...

Quick comeback on his part!! Too funny! Thanks again for another smile!

mCat said...

I woulda ate it anyway too. And then washed it down with a whole bunch of almonds

Karen Mello Burton said...

I like the way you think, lady!

And who cares how many people touched it? We work with kids all day and are inundated with germs.

Doran & Jody said...

Good for you! Not much deteeers me from something I want. The 10 second rule can even turn into lots more seconds. And a bite of everyones samich when they are not looking just to make sure that is good enough for them, is ok too.

Barbaloot said...

Do the orange ones taste better? :)

Yvonne said...

You are definitely a woman after my own heart.

I have to say, orange, red, blue, green, whatever, it doesn't matter to me--they all taste great.

gigi said...

To funny!

Valerie said...

Haha! I sure wish I had that kind of quick humor.

Cheeseboy said...

Ha! Our principal has a full jar of candy bars for the teachers to enjoy at our leisure. Kinda wish he had peanut M&Ms though.

Jenny Lynn said...

This morning I ate a bunch of peanut butter M&M's. And our principle has plain on his desk. Great minds think a like.

Ann Marie said...

I knew I would like this post -- just from the title! :)

I LOVE that you took it.. and I love both of those treats..

What a nice principal to save it for you... tee-hee

Natalie said...

So funny!

Loved seeing you yesterday. Let's get together soon.

Kerin said...

What a great guy!
Next time, tell him that you like all the other colors too. Maybe he's save them all for you :)
Have a happy week.
p.s. Smart people know that chocolate makes everything better :)

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

OK, that's funny.
I'm glad to know that you aren't a germaphobe.

wendy said...

oh, you are a brave gal. That is pretty funny that he said that to you...well of course, if he was saving it for YOU , you had to eat it eh.

believe it or not, I introduced my hubby to peanut M&M's just last weekend. Seriously. Has he been living in a cave.

Teachinfourth said...

I have that same addiction for peanut M&Ms, too...