Monday, June 13, 2011

I want this in my back yard!

We have a new park in town.  On Friday, K8-E and T-Roy spent the night with us.  We went to the park and had tons of fun at the splash pad.

It didn't matter that we had no swimsuits or towels.

They didn't mind that it was getting late...

and cooler...

...they LOVED it!

Since that outing turned out so well, we went again the next day with C8 and Ad!

We were a little more prepared with swim suits.

The weather was hot and the water inviting!

Mom got involved in the fun by helping C8 "jump" over the fountains.

Yes, this would be a fun activity in the back yard!


CB said...

We have one of these at the park down the street from us and the kids seem to love it! It is fun to watch them splash around.
Fun pictures Connie - It looks like all your "littles" loved it!
It is a great concept!

Anonymous said...

Cute, fun photos and a great way to spend a hot summer's day!

Julie Harward said...

There is one like that in St. George and it is so great in the summertime. That would be neat to have one in the yard..and why not, just install it with the sprinkling system! ;D

Kerin said...

Looks like a blast!
Gee... when I was a kid, growing up in Provo, we thought it was cool to play in the water of the irrigation ditch that ran along the park on 5th west in Provo. We would have thought we died and went to heaven with a water fountain like this one :)
Have a happy day!

Camille said...

Can't Dad build something like that? I mean, it's just a matter of pouring cement on top of some sprinkler heads, right?? Was very fun! Thanks for inviting us!

karen said...

I love those splash pads. If first saw them when my daughter lived in Mesa - what great fun they are!

Karen Mello Burton said...

That is cool! Where is it?

Connie said...

The park is just off Highway 6.

gigi said...

ME TOO! Then I culd just turn it on and thrwo the dogs and kids out there :)
Such cute pictures, Connie. Stay cool. We were at 100* yesterday and no rain. I'm already whining.

Laura Lynn said...

I love it - I wish we had one here! When I lived in Salt Lake we used to go to the one at Gateway.

I am originally from the Portland/Vancouver area and there is this huge fountain in Portland that has levels and cement boxes to it. We used to go swim in it, is was so huge!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Can I come over when you install it?

I'll bring my suit and all of my dogs. You won't mind will ya?

Such cute grandkids that you have.
You are awesome as a granma too. I want to come back as your granddaughter.

Natalie said...

Looks like sooo much fun for the kiddies.

Anonymous said...

i love that children will run through the water with in a dress or swimsuit! how fun.

Jenny Lynn said...

I need to come down and run through it. I might bring the kiddo's with me. LOL... it looks like loads of fun.

tammy said...

My friend's husband has a business installing those in parks and people's yards down here in AZ. Perfect for families that don't want to put in a pool, but need something to beat the AZ heat! I wish we'd had one when my boys were small.