I must enjoy beating myself up physically AND mentally! After my 10 mile run I asked myself, "Why?" Why am I doing this to myself? I must admit I do feel a sense of accomplishment at the end but would I feel the same sense of accomplishment if I forgot about the running and just took a ceramic class?
Speaking of ceramics...it's my high school reunion this weekend. When the letter to "save the date" came in the mail, I said to myself, "Hmmm, these 30 years have gone by fast!" At that moment I realized it wasn't 30...it was 40!! GAAAHHHHH! I don't want to party with a bunch of OLD people!
The last time we met was at our 20th reunion. I got a prize for being the "most changed" because I was 8 1/2 months pregnant! I wonder how I'll be different than everyone else this time? Will I be the only woman who has stopped coloring her hair? Do I really want to go?
High school reunions and running...WHY?
I visited with two old high school friends over the weekend. They were teasing me because I have let my hair go gray. They also remembered that I was a good track runner in school - and now I can hardly walk from the car to the house!!!!!!!! Yes, where do the years go??? Congrats on the 10 mile completion! Keep us posted about the reunion.
You're running because you want to prove to yourself YOU CAN DO IT and YOU CAN. It will get easier--it really will.
The last reunion was my 20 year reunion--don't really care to go to another one. My next will be my 50th in about 8 years ; )
Connie, you need to go to show everyone what GREAT shape you are in.
Congrats on finishing your 10 mile run. Just think, next time you want to shop at Costco you can just run there. You are amazing!
Congratulations of finishing your run! I guess you run, and go to reunions because they make you happy :)
Here's to a heap more happiness to you !
Hope you have a happy day!
Good for you! Keep going.
As far as reunions...yes, go for it. They are fun! :)
I'm with you on the "WHY" question!! It's my 30th reunion this weekend and I'm not very excited about it. I'm going anyway and trying to have a better attitude about it!!
Way to go on the RUN!! You're amazing!
Way to go...but don't go limping into that class reunion! My husband just went to his 50th..they all acted exactly like they did in high school..quite a show! ;D
You should definately go...you will feel wonderful about yourself when you see all those that you thought were gorgeous, not so much anymore!! Take care of your body!! I could NEVER do that! Good for you!
Well Connie, you look aweseome, and I happen to love your hair! (Does my opinion count?)
You'll knock 'em dead (uh...no pun intended there) at the reunion.
And congrats on the run! (I almost typed "the runs", but that wouldn't sound right, would it?)
Connie, I so admire you! I wish I could run but I just can't seem to do it. Congratulations on being so strong and determined to succeed!
Thank you so very much for visiting my blog and for taking the extra time to vote for my photo at BHG; I really appreciate it!
Best wishes always,
PS I am not very much into reunions so am not the best person to offer advice!
I admire you for being a runner!
Time sure does fly doesn't it? My 20 year reunion is this summer. I'm not sure I will go.
I think your hair is so pretty - I wouldn't change a thing. If I could miraculously grow mine out in a second and it would look like yours I'd do it.
High school reunions are hard. I went to my 20th and was kind of depresses afterwards. Either people hadn't changed or they'd changed in a bad way, or they were dead. But maybe your school is different.
Running is awesome - you're doing something wonderful for yourself, which is why you'll look spectacular at that depressing reunion! (everyone will be depressed because they don't have an awesome runner's bod like you!)
Well, I am not big on high school reunions....BUT you'd knock em dead to tell them you run and "easy peasy 10 miles" (you could tell them that...they don't have to know you go slow and all, tee,hee)
I am proud of ya. Ceramics probably wouldn't give you the same rush you get from running/exercise.
Pshaw! You so should go!
You totally rock and are ONE HAWT MAMA!!!!!!
I am so proud of you. I sorta fell off the wagon.
Good on ya for the running. I would have celebrated after with a nice big piece of chocolate cake.
Go to the reunion. You'll be the only "real gal" there, or at least one of the few. I went to a reunion and almost all of the gals from my high school had fake boobs, bleached blond hair, or extensions, spray tans and whitened teeth. I'll tell you what. It was like Halloween...serious. I'm sure I wasn't the most attractive gal there that night, but I walked away knowing I left with all my original parts. Okay, okay....I did have my hair highlighted, but I've been doing that for 20 years.
Hey, we all do things we shouldn't do, like time our training runs. Let it be.....
And kudos to you for attending the reunion. I haven't been to one and have no plans to ever.
I have yet to attend a high school reunion. So I am glad to see that someone else attends their's.
Maybe you will be the only 58-year old woman in the class that runs 10 milers. I would TOTALLY brag about that. "Hi. I am Connie Jean Travis. I am still hot-looking AND I am a runner."
Okay so I have never been to any of my high school reunions, mainly because I have stayed in close touch with all my best friends but that said, I think it is great you are going. And I think it is great you are running!! Good for you!
I was reading your blog and noticed your twin daughters share my birthday. That is a great day to be born. I can't believe the doctor was so casual about their birth though. Crazy!! In today's world of law suits, I am sure he would act very differently. Good think all was well.
Wow, 10 miles. I'm very impressed!
So, what meal will you be enjoying?
Did you know there are 2 Bonneville High Schools? I graduated from the other one and I'm having a reunion this year too! (25th)
I'm pretty sure I'm not going....
Good job on running the 10 miles!! I'm very impressed!
Just so you know...YOU are the one that is inspiring me to get in shape and run a marathon in 2 years!!
I just love more than anything that you are always doing things and "stretching" yourself to see what you are made of.
If I were your neighbor looking out my window and you ran by, I would be SO happy and thinking "Good for Connie that she's out running...why am I not out there running as well"...That Connie is SO awesome!
I really haven't kept in contact from anyone since High School, Last time I saw everyone was at our 10th reunion and in 2 years it will be are 25th, but curiosity always gets to me...dying to see what people look like, what their spouses are like and how they are all doing.
However, you answered you question "WHY?", I hope things turned out the way you wanted and that you had an enjoyable time doing whatever you chose to do!
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