Friday, December 30, 2011

A Great Way to End a Christmas Break

We had a wonderful Christmas filled with family, friends, music, fun and surprises.  Even though we looked forward to all the festivities that come with the season, we were anticipating the arrival of some very special people.  

Wednesday, December 28th, Grady Conway  arrived in all his glory.   Weighing in at 11 lbs 7 oz, and measuring 22 1/2 inches, he captured our hearts and put us in awe.  Can you believe he was induced a week earlier than his due date?   

Mr. Cy is so excited to finally get a brother.  

Welcome to the world and to the family, sweet Grady.

Not wanting to be left behind for long, twelve hours later, Langston Tuiasoa  was born.  He weighs 7 lbs 14 oz and is 21 1/2 inches long. He too was born a week before his due date.  I have a feeling he'll be called  "Link" since that's what his brother and sister have been calling him for the past 5 months. 

As you can see, he's in good hands with his 4-year-old sister, Keiti.

Look at that sweet boy!  Welcome Baby Link!  

I'm in Grandma Heaven!


Doran & Jody said...

Oh how cute! Squish!

Darla said...

Congratulations to EVERYONE! What beautifully big boys! If they waited another week you probably would have 13 and 9lb boys. Give my best to Candice and Jill!

lesa said...

Wonderful! Congrats. You should be in grandma heaven. Enjoy the last few days of the year and remember grand kids can't be held too much :)

CB said...

First...WOW...11 pound baby!! Holy Moly that is one big kiddo and from the looks healthy and happy to be here!!
Both babies are so adorable and what wonderful Christmas presents for their families and Grandma Connie!!
Congratulations - Sweet indeed.

Rebecca said...

Beautiful babies!

Joanie said...

Wow, you are one lucky grandma. Looks like some happy siblings to hold their baby brothers.
I like the name Langston, so Link is a cute nickname.

Barbaloot said...

I'm in awe---11 lbs?!?!
And look at all that hair on Link. You guys know how to make them unique:)

StitchinByTheLake said...

Precious! How lucky you are to have two brand new ones. :) blessings, marlene

Heather said...

How darling! Congrats!

I can't believe the first one weighed 11 lbs. Wow!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

So what do you do when you're bored and don't have anything to do?
Oh....have grandbabies!

11 pounds???? I think I would have gotten up and left. Poor mama!
Congrats. They are both so darn cute!

Happy New Year!

gigi said...

Wow!! Grady came to earth almost grown! 11.7 I am so amazed! And Link's hair! My gracious he has a head full. Such gorgeous boys! Again, lucky you, Gma, Connie!!
Happy New Year!

Camille said...

I was so glad to be able to hold both of those cuties! Now I'm baby hungry... for those two...

Mikki said...

Holy Cannoli!!! Eleven pounds, seven ounces?????? Wowzers! Is momma ok?

Congrats Connie. They're both absolutely precious. I'll just bet you're in granny heaven.

Yvonne said...

I'm sure you are enjoying each and every minute. I was reading your post and went "OH MY GOODNESS"--Allan said, "What???" I had to re-read the 11 pounds 7 oz. Thank goodness he was induced--what if he had another week to add more weight ; )

They are both beautiful babies.

Congratulations to everyone.

Big hugs.

Jenny Lynn said...

Congratulations. You had so much to celebrate this Holiday season. What a great way to end the year. With the arrival of such sweet babies. Have fun cuddling them. :)

Wishing you a Happy New Year!

Grandma Honey said...

Wow, Connie, you hit the Grandma jackpot, all in one day! Doesn't it make you wonder how Grady and Langston plotted before they came here to arrive together?

I guess Grady can forget about wearing newborn clothes. What a big little guy!

Julie Harward said...

Oh my goodness...I can see why you are in Heaven grandma! Such beautiful babies, gifts from Heaven for Christmas..what a blessing to you and your family! Happy New Year to you! ;D

J. said...

It seems Christmas is all about the birth of a child or two for you this year. Congrats!

The Jones Fam said...

Oh my! 2 babies! And 11 lbs of pure Grady? Incredible. Both boys are so cute and "booshy" as we call it. Not really sure how to define booshy, but it's a good thing. Congratulations!!!


wendy said...

YOU ARE indeed in Grandma Heaven, and I can't think of a better heaven to be in.
HOLY FREAKING 11 lb baby. did she deliver naturally or by C-section?
I see NFL in his future (tee,hee)
and then baby Link
he's pretty tall
NBA ?????
and all that dark gorgeous hair.

but most important is the love they'll recieve from many people, and it's more important how they develop as a person, rather then anything they accomplish in this crazy life eh.
HAPPY FOR YOU and those new mommies and families.

I figure I'll only get maybe 4more...on the outside....of future grandchildren.

Ann Marie said...

This post makes me happy.

I just want a job holding and smelling newborns all day.

11 pounds? Good thing for inducing!

All of that hair? Super Darling!

Congrats Grandma!!

Oh and PS: I love the name Langston.. but cute nick name too!

Kerin said...

Welcome Grady and Link!!
You are just going to love this life... it's awesome :)

I'm so glad that I've gotten to know you, and call you my friend.
How lucky we are to have this blog stuff :)

Wishes for a happy, healthy, and blessing filled 2012!

Natalie said...

What beautiful babies. Congratulations Grandma!!!!!!!!

You're lucky with your growing family.

Hugs and hope we can get together sometime soon.

Ginger said...

Wow! That is awesome and such a wonderful Christmas gift! They are both beautiful babies. :)

Valerie said...

I was sure you typed in the weight wrong... WOW! You have a brand new 3 month old! :)
Both babies are absolutely precious and beautiful. I LOVE the hair on Link.
Congratulations to you and your family!

Susan R said...

Congratulations! I can't think of a better way to start out a new year. Holy Cow! 11 plus pounds. What a whopper and a week early to boot. I thought I had big kiddos. All of my five were either 10 pounds on the mark or over at birth.

tammy said...

Beautiful babies! But 11 pounds?? Oh my. Congratulations Grandma!

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

11 pounds! I had to read that twice just to make sure. I love that they were born so close together. What cute little guys--yes, grandma heaven!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Hoe. Lee. Cow. Candice is a rock star!

Cutie patooties!

Natasha in Oz said...

Congratulations to you all! How exciting to have 2 sweet little boys in the family. They are gorgeous!

We also welcomed a new baby to our family the week before Christmas, my niece Maisie. It looks like you and my mum are the happiest grandmothers around!

Best wishes and happy 2012!

Kimmie said...

I can't believe your sweet daughter had an 11 pound 7 ounce baby boy!! WOW! She is a trooper! Fun to see what you named him (I hope I'm remembering this right that this is the baby that Ethan was trying to help decide a name for). Grady Conway has a great ring to it!

Love that they chose Langston ("Link" for short) as the name for your other grand-baby.

What a wonderful Christmas and wonderful way to start off the New Year with 2 sweet babies to hold and love!!

Enjoy being in Grandma deserve it!!