Experts have said that when we talk to our children about "delicate" subjects, we need to use the proper terminology. We've had 2 beautiful baby boys born this past week. Both boys were circumcised. Each time a diaper is changed, Vaseline is put on a gauze and placed over the circumcision to prevent sticking and promote healing.
Four-year-old Keiti watched Mom change baby brother's diaper.
Mom asked Keiti to get the Vaseline and gauze. Keiti asked why and Mom told her it was to put on his penis. Keiti looked confused and asked, "What is a penis?" Mom told her it was what they call his "potty". Keiti furrowed her brow then said, with a smile, "That's such a cute name for it!"
Hang on while we go back in time over 30 years. My 80 year old grandfather went to his doctor. The doctor, during examination, asked my Grandpa a question about his penis. Without missing a beat, Grandpa looked the doc in the eye and said, "Doctor, I'm just a common, ordinary man, you DON'T have to use your medical words with me!"
Now we know WHY it's important to use the proper terminology.
Thank you! Sex was a 4-letter word in my home--my mom was just raised that it was not to be talked about so she didn't. She also ripped out the pages in the encyclopedia on anatomy. This is not to disparage my mom who is lovely and a victim of the cultural ideas she was raised in, but to agree that we all need a paradigm shift on our bodies and the wonderful things they are capable of. My mom is much better now about bodily type topics BTW. She's come a long way for her.
Yes! I couldn't agree more.
When Trav was 4 years old he called it a Venus. Such cute GRAND children you have! I just love that head full of black hair!
Gotta love Keiti! She's too cute. :)
btw, I've been wondering just how to pronounce her name?
Keiti is a Tongan name. We (white people) just call her Katie. However, when Daddy and his family say her name, the K is a cross between a K and a G and the ei (a) is held out longer. It's hard to explain. Katie works for us. :)
One of our daughter's kids call "it" a pickle. Still don't know where that came from ; )
That is just too funny. Keiti sure is a cutie and I bet a big help to her mom.
Keiti will laugh at that someday - super funny! :-D
When my oldest son was just a baby and my husband was working and going to school fulltime I decided to try to add a little to our small income by running a daycare. I will never forget the first week. I watched the cutest little 3 year old girl. One day I was changing my son's diaper and she was sitting next to me. She very matter of factly said, "Ryan has a penis but girls have a vagina" and she dragged that word out trying to say it. I was so shocked!! Ha Ha So funny now.
I have to admit I always called it those parts a "Tee tee" and a "pee Pee" and somehow the kids all figured it out!
Still makes me laugh.
Oh and my friend who has 4 boys always made them call it a "Tallywacker" - which really makes me laugh so hard!
LOL..... That is funny! Thanks for the giggle.
That is kind of a cute name for it I suppose! The things children say...this is a true story OK. The Bishop of a ward was congratulating a 8 year old boy in front of the whole ward on Sunday, on his baptism. He was saying to the boy, now what does your father have so he could baptize you? The boy looked puzzled, so the Bishop tried to help him starts with a P...the boy got it and he yelled...a Penis! Needless to say, the Bishop had another delicate situation on his hands! ;D
My goodness Julie, that is funny!
"Out of the mouths of babes"
You have some great stories for posterity.
When my brother taught my niece the correct terms she said, "Dad, you just made that up!" Hilarious.
What a hoot!
I think I love your grandpa... he sounds like a kindred spirit to me :)
If we didn't teach them the proper terminology we'd miss out on all those embarrassing and yet hilarious stories!
We taught our boys the right term, but they generally just say their privates instead.
I have to admit that we haven't broached the subject with my three year old daughter yet. She's one that I could imagine might blurt something out about it in the middle of church. She hasn't asked anything yet, so I'll just keep waiting.
I'm still laughing at Cherie's comment....tallywacker. lol
Love the cute stories!!
I very much agree with the proper names. ~ Although I don't really say either words... they are usually "private parts."
But... my friend Megan has a son named Peter.. and let me tell you.. she is a MAD mamma when someone uses "peter" as the "name" for it.
That is hilarious!!!!!!
Funny that grandpa would think it's proper terminology.
Being an ER nurse you'd think I was all good with terminology. Well, I'm not.
A lady was bearing her testimony one time and she said uterus. I thought I was gonna scream. I winced. Yes, I did. BUT not as much as one of the counselors in the bishopric that sat down by me and told me about his prostate.
Ya, there are just places I don't talk about terminology.
ha ha...what a cute story. funny how years ago we'd try and come up with "goofy" words for explaining body parts or functions.
I do think, especially in this world we live in now, that our chiildren need to learn all the correct terminologies.
Tauna's comment has me giggling.
This brings back some memories of raising my boys. What a beautiful baby boy. Congratulations! BTW, as a Pixie Dust follower, you are welcome to pop over & enter a giveaway for a beautiful clock. Good luck & thanks for reading!
Warmly, Michelle
Thank you! Point well taken. However, why is it that we feel more comfortable calling human anatomy silly made up names?
Case in son came home and said, "Mom, I got kicked in the jujus today." I lended my sympathy and asked if he was okay, he said yes. If he would have said, "Mom, I got kicked in the scrotum today", I would have been a little more surprised....and it wouldn't have sounded as funny. Why is that?
First off, adorable little grand baby!!
We are a call it by the real name terminology family!! I'm SOOOOOOOO....grateful to be married to a hubby that is open and makes us all feel comfortable discussing things using the proper names. I want my kids to be comfortable with being able to talk with us about anything so they don't go to other people to find out about life.
I also grew up in a home where NOTHING was fact, it was a sad day when I finally started my period and it was so awkward telling my mom I finally was going through that part of life. Teenage years at my home, weren't very fun. My parents never really told us about the birds and the bees mom just told us "babies come when a man and woman lay by each other". Think of my shock when we were having a sleep over with cousins from out of town and I was a 13 year old girl who woke up with my sleeping bag by my cousins who was a boy. I was stressed. Tracy can't believe I was so gullible, but I grew up in the days, pre-internet where all we had for resources was the World Book Encyclopedias and no parent that would discuss things with us. (sorry for the novel...I'm sure that was more info than you wanted to know).
I just love how open you and your family are about everything!! You are such wonderful examples to's so nice to be back in the blogging world!
LOL! :D I'm all for using correct termonology! I think it is healthy!
Corine :D
HAHAHA Connie - that really made me laugh! And it really could be a "cute" name - never really thought of it that way :)
Everything is an open book in our house...both male and female subjects. I loved the stories! I got a good chuckle out of them!
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