Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Then and Now

As we posed for this picture, twenty years ago, we thought our family was "complete." Little did we know, we will never be complete.  Our family is constantly growing; we're adding, subtracting, and multiplying. (I should have been a math major)

As each year goes by and we enjoy new additions to our family (whether the additions be big or small) we experience lessons of love, joy, sorrow, laughter, tolerance, tears, and hope. 

Our "completeness" will take all eternity because we will keep changing and growing (more facial hair) and learning...

...and becoming more crazy!  

I love my family!


gigi said...

I love the then and now! Great pictures. You are such a sweet family, blessings to you all.

Ginger said...

I love your family pictures! You have a beautiful family. :)

lesa said...

This is a great post! You have a beautiful family.


Barbaloot said...

That's the best part of "growing up:" growing more family:)

Ann Marie said...

You still look the same!
Do you age? Seriously?

I come from a large family as well.. and it is so much fun when we get together! I too can't wait for a day when we can ALL be together again! ♥

Love ya.

Valerie said...

Love the pictures~ You have such a great family!!!

Natalie said...

Wonderful pictures. Love the crazy one too. When we did mission transfer pictures we always did serious and then crazy pictures. Fun.
You have a great family. Seriously you look even more beautiful now.

Susan Anderson said...

You are blessed with a large, wonderful family!


Kerin said...

Great pictures!

Just think... how many more will be in that last picture in the next few years??!!

mCat said...

What a fun post to have the then and now.

And loving the big hair. I remember those days. I would like them back

Kimmie said...

I have to agree with Ann Marie...other than hair color, you seriously haven't aged a bit since your family was young!

LOVE your photos and I LOVE how much your family means to you! Family is what life is all about and YES, families are constantly changing, growing from month to month and year to year! Thank goodness for eternity!

Hugs to you my sweet friend Connie!!

Patty Patterson said...

Beautiful family! I didn't know you had so many children. I love kids and always wanted a houseful, but only had 4. Now three are married so I have 7 - and three grand kids, and wonder how I could keep up with more. But - each new addition seems to fill a place that needs filling and within moments of their birth the life you had before is completely forgotten. They simply fit right in as if they belongd there all along. Life before grand kids must have been dull and boring!

Heffalump said...

Isn't it great the way families grow?

karen said...

What a wonderful family you have! It's fun to look at the "then" picture, and try to pick out those kids in the "now" picture. You all look like you have lots of fun together. I wish mine lived closer - it seems we're never all together at the same time, and I miss that.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Such a great bunch of pictures!
What an awesome family!

The first photo? Wasn't that just yesterday? How do they grow so fast?

I love it!

" Hit It......." said...

What a beautiful family. I loved what you said about families experiencing lessons of love. That is so true. You are an amazing woman to have been a mom to such a big family. I bet you are one organized woman! :)

Darla said...

Great Message Connie! You know I kept trying to figure out who the man was in the blue checkered shirt... put my glasses on and realized it was Jacob :-0 He has changed a bit since I last saw him.

Susan R said...

That's what it's all about right there Connie. I don't enjoy the growing older part, but look forward to new sons and daughters as well as grandchildren. There's no greater treasure in this world than the family.
I don't see a dog in the you have any pets?

Jenn Allphin said...

What a great looking family then and now. I have been very blessed to have you in my life...Love you Langston Family!

Grandma Honey said...

LOVE all these pictures...especially the first one! I keep staring at it and wondering how does one really mother 8 children. My mother did it so I know it's possible, but wow! What eternal treasures.

Mimi Sue said...

You're so right! Never done. Your family is beautiful. Mimi

Connie said...

We've had pets off and on throughout the years. Right now we have a cat named Henry. He doesn't like to have his picture taken with a big group!

tammy said...

Great pics. I'm wishing I was able to have more kids. My family seems so small!

Valerie said...

What an awesome bunch!! Fun pictures.

wendy said...

I loved that picture of you and your young family.
I get such a kick out of looking at my old I am sure you do too. To see all the changes
the additions
and saddly, sometimes the subtractions.
the changes
Eternity will be a continual opportunity for family GROWTH

wendy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Karen Mello Burton said...

Lots of math, for sure. ***sigh*** Love these photos!

ps: From this distance I can't even see your facial hair :)

Connie said...

Ha! Glad it doesn't show in the picture! ;)

KC said...

WHAT!!! Dan LET you take his picture??? I am in SHOCK! :)

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Connie what a lovely post. Your family pictures are wonderful. Aren't we Blessed to have our precious families.
Hope your well honey

Jenny Lynn said...

There is no greater joy than the love of your family.

Teachinfourth said...

Also, aren't you glad that clothing and hairstyles changed?

Glad to see your family is mathing up.

Nancy Face said...

Wonderful family pictures!

Thank you for the VERY kind words you left on my blog. You are amazing, and I wish we could be neighbors or something!