Saturday, May 5, 2012

Things Worth Tending

I have an elderly friend who grows beautiful African Violets. She told me that African Violets take a lot of tending.  They need the right soil, light, temperature and humidity.  They must have the right amount of water, fertilizer and lots of TLC.  However, she insists that all the tending is worth having beautiful blooms on the plants. 

We have had this African Violet plant for years!  It had flowers when we got it. The flowers eventually died and the plant was neglected. We decided to tend to it with the TLC it needed.   We were excited to find blooms on the plant once again. 

There are things worth tending. 
I need to tend to my relationship with my family. It requires time and effort and lots of TLC but it's well worth it!

(This picture was taken 3 years ago.  We have since added 7 more people to this group)

My relationship with my Heavenly Father needs tending.  Thankfully he's forgiving and understanding.  (We're now in Proverbs!)

Tending to relationships with friends is a blessing and a must, even though many days my friends are just thoughts and not actions.

So now I'm wondering about this blog. 
 Is it worth tending? 
The past couple of weeks this little space on my computer has been sorely neglected, thus neglecting all of you! 
If I own it, I should take care of it. 
I'll try to do better.


J. said...

What a lovely family. Hope you are well.

Mimi Sue said...

You've got your priorities straight. Blogging has to be way down on the list at least for me. When I can do better I will. Mimi

wendy said...

Blogs have a way of doing that....getting tucked in a corner sometimes while we take care of other, and usually, more important issues.
I LOVE reading your blog and keeping up with this friendship.
I don't feel neglected.
I feel your love alllllll the way up here.

Heffalump said...

If you are going to compare it to plants, then you need to remember times and seasons as well. We all know that your family has been going through a time of pain, and it's okay for you to withdraw for some healing and a break. We will still be here waiting, even in times of winter when things might not seem to be growing as much.

Grandma Honey said...

YES your blog is WORTH tending. You add so much to others lives, PLUS you get a history of your own thoughts and feelings and events. Having said that, I also know you have been through so much and only you know what is best for you and your life. So I guess I am speaking mainly for selfish reasons that I want you to keep blogging.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Yes. It is worth tending but it is not at the top of the list.
My life is richer because I have had the privilege of meeting you on multiple occasions.

You do what you need to do. Everyone understands.

Natalie said...

I agree with all of the comments.

Yes, your blog is worth tending to. You write a great blog and it's always wonderful to come here and to read your thoughts and feelings.

Yes, you have been and are going through a lot right now. You can have a break, but don't stop. My life is richer too knowing you and reading your blog

Finally, you need to do what is the best thing for you.

Love you lots and sending hugs.

Yvonne said...

I love the way you think, Connie.

Yes, some things are definitely more important than others. You are such a great example, and by blogging you are making an impact on so many. Don't forget that.

Love you, my friend.

Teachinfourth said...

It is so important to tend to those relationships we feel are the most important.

Susan Anderson said...

I haven't been tending my blog quite as well lately either, because I've been kinda busy tending relationships...

But I have relationships with my blog friends, too, so I need to find the balance!


PS. My MIL loved African violets and always had them in her house.

Joanie said...

Connie, I agree with all the above comments. I do love your blog, and look forward to hearing about you and your family. Just take your time, we will all be here.

mCat said...

Love the analogy of tending.

As for the blog, tend to it only as you find it worthwhile. If it captures your memories and feelings for your posterity, then by all means make time for it. If it's just to do to to have something to do....then bump it down the list a bit.

: )

Camille said...

what about updating those family that are out of state? No one else keeps a blog in the family. You're my only connection! Thank you goodness you're on facebook at least... :)

Kerin said...

Good Morning Connie...
Love this post. Clearly heartfelt :)

Family comes first.. no matter what. After all, that's who we want to spend eternity with.

I love reading your blog, and have really enjoyed getting to know you through your blog.
So, I'll continue to read if you keep posting.
However.. if you no longer blog, I will still be thinking of you and knowing that you are living, and loving life, and family :)

Warm wishes..

Unknown said...

Connie, your family picture is just lovely.

Never worry, there are many days we just do not have time to blog & our friends are always here for us, faithfully.

Have a beautiful week ~
PS GIVEAWAY ends 5/13

Valerie said...

Beautiful thoughts! There is nothing more important to last and keep than our relationships with our family and with our Heavenly Father! And a blog is so fun and a great way to connect, but only when it works with your real life. :)

" Hit It......." said...

Beautiful thoughts. I think life gets so busy sometimes that we are all just hanging on. Then we realize that we need to pay a little more attention to things.

Regarding your blog, I agree with MCat. I struggle with mine too; I neglect it and then wonder if it's worth it.

Ginger said...

I am in one of those places myself right now. I blog when I can, but it seems to be getting farther and farther between posts and getting harder to keep up with my friends like you. :)

Sometimes life needs more of us than other times.

I appreciate this post so much... said so well.

PS - You have an absolutely gorgeous family! I love that picture!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Any time you tend to your blog we will be there to read it. No pressure. No worries. We love you.