Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Some things have changed in the past 13 years. We went from this...

to this!

This hasn't changed much over the years. The girls being "obedient"- the boys being...whatever!

This is the biggest change! Nine precious grandbabies!

May your life be filled with blessings!


Julie said...

What a cute, cute, cute family picture! I love it!!! You guys look great!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Very handsome family! I can't think of anything better than looking around me in ten years and seeing my sons, my daughters-in-law and my grandkids.

Yvonne said...

Too cute. What a great family. Aren't grandchildren fun.

Kristina P. said...

I love these pictures! Your family is beautiful.

Kamee said...

Connie your pictures turned out so CUTE!! What a beautiful family you have! How lucky we are that "FAMILIES ARE FOREVER!!"

CB said...

BEautiful Family!!! You are so blessed.

Nana said...

Love the grandkids. They keep you hopping don't they?

KC said...

So excited to see these pictures...They look good! I think Dave owes you some money though! Have a good day Connie!

Valerie said...

Those pictures are fantastic! I love the grandbabies all lined up on the sofa! So have an awesome family.

Linda said...

Beautiful pictures and a beautiful family! You are blessed!

Sondra said...

Such a fine looking family. I love that I could click on the picture and see it up close. Where are you? In an apple orchard? With a couch? Amazing photography. You should be soooo proud! Oh, and you can be together forever...Doesn't Heavenly Father bless us?

Ann Marie said...

Where is that orchard? I want to have family pictures taken in one!

You have a cute family! :)

gigi said...

I don't know what happened to my comment:{ Let me try again.
I love that you found someone to take your family pictures. I guess you didn't pay them with apricot jam, did you?
You are right, those ae some precious GRAND~children.
Have a great weekend.

Joy Tilton said...

Great pictures and fun to look, then and now! Love your blog...come visit me at GrannnyMountain!
joy c.

Tanielle said...

Gorgeous and fun pictures!!! I love the couch in the outdoors!!:-)

Have a fantastic holiday weekend!

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Oh goodness! I love your family fotos and the stories on your earlier post Families Are Forever!

What fun and laughter there must be when the whole family are together! Can't wait for grandbabies! (I know I repeat that about every other comment that I leave here! haha

Blessings & Aloha!

Thanks for stopping by and your kind comment :o)

The Pettit Family said...

I love the photos. Reminds me how blessed I am to be related (even if it is by marriage) to such great people.

debbi said...

Darling photos!!! But I don't understand how the couch got out in the midst of the trees??? Is there an answer or is this left up for me to dream about for the next year? Oh well I am enjoying all of your pictures and you make so many homemade things..I wish I could or maybe I'm too lazy. But all of your food looks delicious! Wya to go you wonderful mom you!! Love ya Debbi

Connie said...

Just in case anyone comes back to check the comments, I will tell you how the couch got in the midst of the orchard.
This old, worn out, couch is one that David was going to take to the D.I. We decided to make it part of our family by including it in the pictures. Dave brought it in the back of his truck. After pictures, we all went to the Malt Shoppe in Provo, ordered tons of fattening, delicious food, sat outside to eat and took the couch out of the truck to sit on.
Nothing's wrong with being a little "white trash"