Monday, September 7, 2009

Window Wells

In some areas where we have lived, there have been no basements. But in Utah, there are lots of homes with basements...and...with basements come the ever popular window well.

At times, you may find things in the bottom of the window well that are inappropriately skunk. (the following three pictures were not taken by me)

Or this North American short-tailed shrew. (I only knew what it was because I read the caption under the picture)

Toads think window wells make a good home too.

But this little devil, found in our window well today, is the reason we don't like to get in and clean the well out!

And perhaps, the reason she's in there is...because we don't get in and clean it out! It's a vicious circle!
I'll take the toad, over the black widow, any day!


Camille said...

is the black widow the reason the hobos are no longer down there? I hate window wells!

mysteryhistorymom said...

We had one in our mailbox! YEs!!! A BIG one! Thank goodness a kind neighbor came over and killed it! YIKES!:( Lori

Yvonne said...

I've always thought window wells were scary--NOW I KNOW THEY ARE!!!

Sondra said...

Oh the memories of my childhood and window wells. It's pretty rare to see black widows very often anymore.... When I was little - it seems like we found them quite often. They are a very scary spider. Grab the bug spray and go after it *wink.

The Newest Mexicans said...


Linda said...

Oh we get alot of black widows and I just hate them. They're powerful and they scare me! They make the strongest webs. I can always tell when one is nearby because of their web.

I think I'd take it over the skunk though!

Valerie said...

We currently have a slice of pizza and a pop can in our window well (not from us).
We had black widows at our house in AZ(outside). They would spin webs all down the side or front of the house. Last summer they were the worst and we would go out every few nights & get rid of all we could find (by we I mean Rick). I hate the little buggers!

Melanie said...

Ohhhhh....I think I would have had a heart attack!

Anonymous said...

I don't like window wells at all. I don't like to clean them, hubby wants to clean them out put fresh rock down in ours next summer. I have a feeling that is one job I won't be around for.

Karen Mello Burton said...

I think window wells are really portals to h%$#!!!! I hate them! This weekend I noticed an empty root beer bottle in mine, but I am not overly interested in fishing it out!

Ann Marie said...

We would always watch the black widows in our window wells growing up too! :( They freak me out.. and I'm not scared of spiders.. just snakes usually....

CB said...

We lived in Utah for a short time when I was growing up and I do remember the window wells being full of black widows!! Ick!
We have found 2 black widows in our home over the years - no window wells needed. One in the garage and one in my bathroom in the middle of the night - that one freaked me out for a long time!