Monday, September 28, 2009

Gentle Reminder

We have all pulled a face

while having a picture taken.

Sometimes it's expected or

 even encouraged.

But, there are times when pulling a face isn't appropriate.

It can be distracting and may even ruin the picture.

That's when we need a gentle reminder by someone with old, gnarly, hands, that there will be a price to pay
if we don't behave ourselves.

And that's usually all it takes!

And so it is with life!


CB said...

Cute cute post!

Love the older hands on the sweet little face and absolutely and completely LOVE the picture of the kids on the couch outside!!!!

Valerie said...

As always, I love the pictures and your sweet, gentle & humorous take on life!

KC said...

Did you warn him that if he ruined the picture he would owe you A LOT of money? Those are cute pictures!

Ann Marie said...

Love the pictures!
My husband pulled faces in pictures all the time as a child.. and he still does it.. much to my dismay!

Is that your orchard? LOVE IT!

Small House said...

HOW CUTE. Look at his face when he's being told to knock it off. HOW CUTE!!!!! He's definitely listening.

The last picture of all the children is absolutely priceless. OH MY WORD....How cute. And how gorgeous is the orchard!!!

Connie said...

It's not our orchard but it's sure a beautiful place. My son dragged his old D.I. couch there so we would have a place to put everyone and so we would add some class to the picture!
There were deer in the orchard that day. We have a picture of all the kids standing on the couch, looking behind at the deer.
That's a great one too.

Karen Mello Burton said...

I love that couch photo. I don't know how you can bare to come to work all day when you could be home playing with all of those grandbabies. Your life is good. Real good.

Yvonne said...

Cute pictures--love them all. GREAT lesson--thanks for the "gentle" reminder.

You must absolutely love having those little ones around.

gigi said...

Connie, if that isn't the cutest thing I've seen all day! So darling everyone of them, lucky you!!

The Newest Mexicans said...


-I'm totally Nicole Dudes

Sondra said...

You are soooo fun-NY! I am enrolling myself into the Gnarly hand club. My boys always comment on my hands... They are hard working hands that have served me well.

Your grandchildren are soooo cute! I love the faces! LOL!

OK... I need the salsa recipe now.. You need to post it or email it to me. I've tried to can salsa in the past - but it didn't turn out too well. Please share...

wendy said...

I too have a ton of photos where someone is pulling a face ---and photos where we WANTED to pull the face. BUT I love love love that photos of the kids all on the couch out in that yard. Totally awesome.

sometimes in life, I guess we just have to pull a face

Anonymous said...

How sweet all those pulling faces are!

Barbaloot said...

Looks like the picture worked out:) Sometimes my nephews do that thing in our monster family photos and it really makes me angry! I guess I shouldn't expect 5-10 year olds to know there's a time and place yet?

Natalie said...

I love all the photos, especially the one with th adorable kids on the couch.
I am so going to copy those recipes and use them when I come home.