Friday, February 12, 2010

Chocolate Milk and Help for Haiti!

If you've been following my blog for long, you know that I love chocolate milk!
Google image
It makes me happy when I drink it and I figure I'm building strong bones while consuming the ambrosia. (I have to justify it some way!) Tonight, while tending my grandkids at their house, they asked for some chocolate milk. I took the half-full gallon container of the rich, chocolatey goodness out of their refrigerator. I placed 4 glasses on the counter; three for the grandkids and one for me, of course! I started to pour the ice cold delight and noticed a drinking straw floating in the jug of chocolate milk! What does that mean? I'll tell you what it meant to me, I put my glass back in the cupboard and I didn't drink any!  After being at an elementary school all day, I figured I'd had enough kid germs!  It could be that my daughter put that straw in to keep me from drinking all the milk! If that's the case, she figured out how to do it!

Speaking of figuring things out, Julie from Rarely Home Mom is having a bake sale to raise money for Haiti! What a sweet deal for everyone! I went to her house and actually found her home! She was just pulling out the chocolate chip bars from the oven!

It was a good thing I had them in my back seat or I would have been eating them while driving! They are delicious! Go here to find out what you can do to help.  There's also a list of items that could be donated.  Some people talk about doing service, Julie's actually doing it!  Let's support her in her efforts.  Good job, Julie!


Camille said...

Mmmm imagine the chocolatey goodness of the chocolate milk washing down those delicious brownies! They look good!

P.S. It's always a good feeling to beat Kristina to the comments! :)
* love ya, Kristina! *

Dorothy said...

em I love chocolate milk and the cookies, I'll pop over to see her.

Dorothy from grammology

Karen Mello Burton said...

A straw?? Oh, man...

mysteryhistorymom said...

I LOVE, ADORE, DREAM ABOUT, DESIRE chocolate milk, too, Connie! It is goodness in a glass! Forget about wine- that is my choice of indulgence.:) The straw?? I would have passed on drinking it, too.:( But, I would have had tears streaming down my face! tee hee... Lori

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Mercy........a straw? Yuk! There's a waste of a gallon of deliciousness.
I had myself a nice tall glass today.
Hope you have a great weekend.

Yvonne said...

Finding a straw in the jug would do it for me, too.

Chocolate chip bars--yum. Way to go, Julie.

Tracy said...

A STRAW!!! Now, that's creative thinking!! That made me smile!! :-)
Thanks for sharing!!

Valerie said...

Haha! A straw!!!! I love chocolate milk too. Waiters always think I'm so funny when I order it at a restaurant. :) I don't mind.

I heard that I missed you at Julie's house yesterday. I got there around 4:15. Her cookie bars were GOOD. I agree.

Sondra said...

Eeeewww Just like drinking from a carton right out of the fridge.. Yuck!

I actually don't think Brady drinks plain milk... But we use regular milk with Chocolate syrup and a straw of course. Totally spoiled....

Julie Harward said...

That really is funny about the straw! I will go check out her blog, thanks for the tip! Have a good Valentines day, come say hi when you can :D


It worked! Actually, Em had asked me to get her a glass. I told her that she could get one herself. She said she couldn't reach them. I told her to just get a straw then and drink it out of the carton....I know...great mothering. She went and got a straw but the chocolate milk was too far down for her for it to work and then it fell in. I told her just to leave it and have some water. Apparently the straw didn't bother anyone else..the chocolate milk was gone when I came home from work last night.

Together We Save said...

Ummmm... sounds wonderful!

CB said...

We don't have chocolate milk around here unless we visit Reed's dairy in Idaho Falls and bring home 8 half gallons! ha ha

If I found a straw in on I would probably not drink it either - ewww.

The bake sale idea is a good one - anything you can do!

Anonymous said...

have you found out the straw mystery yet? hope julie raises lots of money for haiti! good for her.

Valerie said...

I certainly know that dairy Cherie is talking about and the chocolate milk they sell is the only choc. milk that is drinkable. Once you've had it, nothing else compares!!! And yes, I would probably put the straw straight into the carton and drink from it! Mmmmm..... now I've got a craving!!

Julie P said...

I LOVED getting to meet you! We went to Costco and loaded up on a car full of rice and beans. Yeah!

Michelle said...

Mmmm those look delicious!

And side note on chocolate milk: there's something in chocolate that prevents calcium from being absorbed. When you drink it, unfortunately you aren't building the strong bones you think you are. Our school district has actually pulled chocolate milk from the caf for that reason. :(

Jenny said...

There are so many wonderful people raising money for Haiti right now. Our Elementary school is gathering much need Hygiene items to put kits together.

I love how loving and concerned people are about people they have never met. It is like getting a little glimpse of our Heavenly Family working together!