Monday, February 22, 2010

In Remembrance of George Washington

The pinch of the shot, the sound of the drill, the smell of the tooth being ground down to nothing, the horrible taste of the medication-soaked string, the muck of the impressions, the tired, sore jaw, the numbness of the tongue, lips and ear, the crooked smile, the pain that is evident after the numbing is gone.  I HATE going to the dentist!

George's mythical wooden teeth may not be so bad after all!

I'll feel better tomorrow!


Julie Harward said...

Me too...I'd rather have a baby! I am having a GIVE A WAY...:D

gigi said...

You and me both! And all the George Washington's that have to be paid is a real pain in the wallet too. Sorry about that.

Kamee said...

I hope tomorrow is a better day!! I have had my share of the dentist lately as well, I feel your PAIN!!!! I have a couple more visits and I had better be done for a while!!

Kristina P. said...

Oh, hang in there! Tooth pain is the worst!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Ugh, I am so sorry...

That pinch of the shot is the worst.

Ann Marie said...

So sorry!
The dentist is worse than the OB GYN for me!
Hope tomorrow is better! :)

claudie said...

Funny you post this Connie. I have been dealing with a root canal for the past 3 weeks. It all started with a piece of toffee, well a bad peace of toffee I might add.
I'm such a nervous patient too. I went through the second round last week. The grinding, impression...well you know. I'm in it for $2,500.00. More than my trip to Fla. coming up soon. I also HATE THE DENTIST. I must admit as I sit here with a fake crown on waiting for the real thing, she was very gentle, and I got to watch the Olympics while it all went on. I think I have 8 hours in that chair so far.
Hope you and I will be rid of this soon.
Take care
Love Claudie

Tracy said...

Not my favorite way to spend money either!! ;-) Feel better soon!!

Yvonne said...

Not my favorite place to go either--I hope it's all behind you soon.

Barbaloot said...

I'm fairly certain the dentist is my least favorite person. MY dentist is my neighbor and I love him...but the dentist in general I could definitely live without.

Rebecca said...

Oh my...that is quite a vivid description.

I'm sorry for your pain! Hope you feel better soon! =)

Anonymous said...

ya wouldn't that be nice just to pop out our teeth, drop them off and pick them up an hour later? maybe not, we would look mighty silly without them! hope all went well with yours!

Camille said...

ya - not too bad... until you try and strike a match on them!

BOO! to dentists! and tooth pain! Hope you feel better!

Kimmie said...

I am SO sorry...dentists are NO fun. I have had more visits to the dentist than I care to recall. Over half of my back teeth have crowns, which means, root canals, which means MISERY!

Hope you are having a BETTER day today.

BTW...thanks to your awesome recipe for homemade bottled tomato soup, I pulled a jar off our shelf that we canned in October and we are enjoying it with Grilled Cheese sandwiches for dinner.

YUMMY are the words I am hearing from my kids mouths, thanks to you! I can't believe how yummy it is myself and so fresh tasting.

Hope you have had a little sunshine today!

wendy said...

Oh Connie, OUCH, ICK, YIKES. I hate going to the dentist.

today, we took our 2 ponies to the vet. They had to have their teeth checked. One had to have her "wolf teeth pulled" It was disgustiing, He took a pair of pliers looking thing and physcially yanked those things out. Then took a 4 foot long electric grinder thing to grind down the "burrs" they get on their teeth.
Do you feel better now.

Small House said...

OH YUCK! I am NOT a fan of going to the dentist. And as bad as my teeth are, you'd think I'd be a dentist expert!!! They just freak me right out. I even have a good dentist...still freaks me out.

I'm hoping when the numbness wears off, you're not in pain!!
Have a great day.

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

I always tell people the dentist is worse than the gynecologist......'s not an uncommonly held opinion.....