Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Groundhog Day Blues and a Dinner

Every morning, Miss C, a 2nd grade speech student, stops by the speech room to say Hi!  She's a precocious child with a cute, but soon to be corrected, lisp.  Today she came in crying!  Thinking that she had either hurt herself-or-her friends had once again ditched her on the way to school, I put my arm around her shoulders and asked, in my NICE Grandma voice, why she was crying.  She started sobbing to the point where she was wailing as she talked. "The groundhog thaw hith shadow today.  Every year the ground hog seeth hith shadow and I'm tired of him alwayth theeing hith shadow!  Can't he just for onth, NOT see hith shadow?  I'm TIRED of winter!!!"
Wouldn't it be nice if THAT wath the only thing we had to worry about!

Jenny from "Homespun Crazy" tagged me, so, I will comply.

I'm supposed to show what I fixed for dinner and include recipes.
This is what I fixed!

I know what you're thinking..."Does this lady eat anything but Mexican food?"  The answer is yes, but, it just so happens most of my recipes I put on the blog are usually of the Mexican origin and that's alright with me!
The recipe for this is:
Put whatever you want on a tortilla and enjoy!
I have some of my bottled beef chunks on the bottom
Black beans
Grated cheese
Chopped green onion
The green stuff is NOT lettuce but cilantro - I love that stuff!
Chopped tomatoes 
Sour cream.
Can you believe I folded that up and ate it!  Good thing I had a plate under it!  My eyes were bigger than my stomach when I put it together!  When I went to Costco I bought this salsa.  I usually make my own but can't resist this!  I had some chips and salsa for dinner too.

You'd think this would have been enough to fill me up, and it was, but I had to eat a cookie.

These cookies are absolutely, positively delicious!  I think they were even better the next day. They have carrots, coconut and orange juice in them so I figure they HAD to be good for me!  Since I'm running out of time, I'm going to send you to the blog that featured these delicious cookies.  KC, at Grandma's Desserts, has some delicious recipes for a variety of desserts. Check it out!
I'm supposed to tag 2 people but since I've had some disgruntled "tag-ees" in the past, I will leave it open to all of you.  Grab the "what did you have for dinner?" button at the top of this post and share your dinner and recipes with us! 
We'll be glad you did!


Valerie said...

You eat yummy food at your house! I've never tried those cookies, but they look delish!

Kristina P. said...

Mexican food never gets old. Seriously.

Tracy said...

Dinner looks good, especially the cookies!! :-) Too cute about your little student!! I agree...I'm tired or winter!!

Melanie said...

Mmmmm. Dat cookie looks DELICIOUS!

gigi said...

Bless it's heart! Both my girls came in talking about the Groundhog Phil today and the fact that he saw his shadow. We are actually glad about that around here :) We get so hot so qick that if it stays a little cooler a little longer we are HAPPY!
Dinner looks great!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

What time is dinner? That Mexican food looks delicious!
Quite the cook you are!

Julie Harward said...


Ann Marie said...

I would skip the cilantro and put on some avacado.. and it looks like last nights dinner! :)

What a fun tag.. I will take the challenge when I can get around to it.. I already feel very *behind* on my posts.

I thought those cookies were the apple ones that Sandra made.. but now I have 2 to try! YAY!!!

CB said...

I'm with Miss C - Let's lynch the stinkin' groundhog! What a cute lisp :D

I like mexican food too - never enough!! Looks yummy.

Linda said...

What an adorable story but poor Miss C. Hopefully your weather will get better just for her sake!

Oh I love Mexican food too! I haven't had any in awhile since I'm watching my calories but your dinner looked delish...and that cookie! I would have eaten 5 I'm sure! I'm gonna check out that recipe now!

Yvonne said...

I'm with the little 2nd grader--I'm ready for winter to be over.

I don't think I can ever have too much Mexican food.

The cookies look delicious.

Jenny said...

Those cookies look delicious! And I'm all for Mexican...every day... my favorite. Thanks for the link to the cookie recipe, too.

Karen Mello Burton said...

We had Mexican last night too. Those cookies look so interesting and yummy. I will have to try that recipe out.

Glad you were there for Miss C. I hate that groundhog, btw.

Nana said...

Mmmmm. Dinner and the cookie look great. I am thick of winter too!

Camille said...

I'm thick of winter altho! Let's throw salsa in the face of the groundhog! (after I throw some on my plate of Mexican food that you're sharing with me, right? :)

Kimmie said...

Don't you just love little kids. They just say it like it is.

I bet you are the most AWESOME and compassionate special ed teacher! Having a son who is in special ed, I clue into people and their patience and kindness to these sweet kids. What a blessing you are to so many kids each day.

Your dinner looks amazing and wouldn't you know it, I have a recipe to post about "carrot cookies" that are very similar to your recipe. It was my grandma's recipe that she made all of the time when I was a little girl. My neice brought these to a Christmas party this year and I ranted and raved about how yummy they were and and she said it was my recipe that I gave her when she got married and that it's her kids favorite cookies. funny. I put coconut on the top of my icing and actually add in some chopped walnuts.

Your photos are amazing and look SO good!! I am just now getting to eating my lunch and wish I could "wiggle my nose" and have your dinner/cookies on my plate!

I really think we were sisters in a different lifetime. I sure hope so at least, because you are one amazing lady! Enjoy your day!

KC said...

I'd swear we were realted...or something to that effect! Thanks for the link! I just LOVE you. I LOVE LOVE L.O.V.E. mexican food!
p.s. Do you know that Grandpa has made Grandma make that cookie recipe twice now? I think it was within DAYS of each other....o to be retired!

wendy said...

Well --that looked Posthively yummy!!

hate that dang ground hog

Anonymous said...

it lookths delithsious! why on why do we have to correct that thweet thpeech problem.
the older i get the more i love mexican food, ethspecially cilantro!

Jenny said...

Your cooking always looks so yummy. I look forward to giving these recipes a try. Thanks for playing along with the tag.

Natalie said...

I love the little story about the ground hog. Made me think about all of my "special kids" and their little speech patterns.
The dinner and cookies look so yummy. Let's do dinner together.:)

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

The Groundhog Day story was precious. And Mexican Food? I'm all in!!!

Dorothy said...

I get down in the dumps when weather is like that, however, the days get longer and that's a good thing..and the food looks amazing..

Dorothy from grammology

Melissa Miller said...

Oooohhh Connie! Your food recipes are always mouth watering good.

The cookies...mmmmm. :)


Actually, I'd bet the groundhog really didn't see his shadow.
Love Adalyn

Let Miss C know...thanks!

Emma said...

I want summer too!!! Go away cold and yucky day's, bring on the sunshine!

Small House said...

I'll tell ya, when I heard the ground hog saw his shadow, I almost reacted the very same way!!!!

Lucky family you have to eat so well!

Victoria Hayden said...

I too love Mexican food!! This looks like another great recipe to try!
