Monday, August 23, 2010

Fresh Start

This week we had both of our garbage bins filled over the top.  We couldn't fit another piece of paper or cardboard in the recycle bin.  This picture was taken after the recycle truck made a visit to purge us of our trash.  Today we can start fresh.

This month we've been over the top in our cell phone usage.  Four of us share these minutes.  It has been a busy and expensive month. After tomorrow we can start fresh and be more careful.

Yesterday we had the family over for dinner.  I ate way more calories than I should have. Today is a new day and I can plan a little better.

On Sundays I can partake of the sacrament, to renew covenants, to repent and make a new start.

(Painting by Doc Christensen)

A fresh start feels good!


gigi said...

Thank you for reminding me that today is Monday and I can start a new week fresh :)

CB said...

I agree! I love being able to have a fresh start whether it is a new day of possibilities, a new month to do better or a new year to set goals. A new start brings hope for the future:) Great post Connie!

And I loved the Cracker Jack post below too. It so reminds me of my Nana. When I would go to her house as a little girl she would have Cracker Jack for me. I liked the tattoo prize the best!

Barbaloot said...

Is it weird that I'm jealous of the font on your phone? Kinda fun:)

This week I got back from vacation and now have a fresh start on not being lazy, sleeping in and eating whatever I want. I think I'd like to go back...

Kristina P. said...

I need to start exercising again. I've made the plan to start over every Monday for the past 5 Mondays. It's going really well.

Hubby said...

Nice photo of Henry standing watch over the trash cans.

Anonymous said...

Fresh start for the soul - I'll be doing thing too! Thanks goodness we can have a fresh start everyday - it's never to late!

Beth at Aunties said...

What a great way to start this new school year and week.
I loved your post with all it's great possibilities of trying again
and given another chance to be better and do better.

What a great painting by Doc Christensen, I like the idea of thinking who is passing the sacrament... It is one I will remember.
Enjoy a great week:)

Camille said...

those cupcakes looked so gooooood

Julie Harward said...

I think so if I can just stick to that and rid myself of all the goodness I ate over the weekend! :D

Doran & Jody said...

I'm gonna have a fresh start NOW instead of this morning because I already had a bite sized candy before I read this.

Wait...what about my fudgesicle waiting for me at lunch? I may have to rethink this.

But yes, I LOVE fresh starts too!
Today is the first day of the rest of your life! ENJOY :)

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

That is darling! I love the post.
I should have read it this morning when it was a fresh Monday.
Too bad I've already blown it.
Gotta go, cookies in the oven are done!

Ann Marie said...

A fresh start is always great.. and I always hate to miss Sacrament meeting.. just because I always NEED it!

My garbages ALWAYS look like that.. and why is it that I always remember to clean out my fridge the first day AFTER the garbage has been picked up! -- One day I will get it right!!

Tracy said...

What a positive light for Mondays...A new start. I love that!! Thanks for the gentle reminder!

Mimi Sue said...

A fresh start sure does feel good. My favorite saying is "Tomorrow's a new day." Helps me get through the mess. Mimi

Karen Mello Burton said...

Here's to fresh starts! I am ready for some myself.

Kerin said...

Hi Connie!
Nice post! It's a great reminder not to be too hard on ourselves, or take ourselves too seriously :)

Yvonne said...

I LOVE this--Fresh starts do feel good.

Thanks for this wonderful reminder.

Valerie said...

What a great thought! I need to remember this EVERY DAY!!

Valerie said...

I have never seen that painting. I didn't even notice who was passing the sacrament at first and was trying to figure out why the woman looked shocked. :)

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

I realized that you are the only other woman in blogland that has posted about and posted a picture of GARBAGE!!!
I did this in July of 2008.
We totally rock!

Teachinfourth said...

It's funny, I just talked to my class about 'fresh starts' in a brand-new school year.

Anonymous said...

Fresh starts are the best. And P.S. I want that cupcake!

Jenny said...

I love the photo by Doc Christensen!

My garbage is backed up into my garage. As I ordered a 2nd can that has not shown up as of yet.

we have a separate recycling day from our garbage pick up day.