Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Test Driving a Bernina

After we had been married for 3 months, my husband bought me a used Singer sewing machine for my birthday. 

It's made entirely of metal and weighs 50 pounds!  It's been a great machine.  I sewed all my kid's clothes on it until my oldest daughters, when they were in 2nd grade, asked if they could just have store bought clothes.   It sews fancy stitches with the turn of a dial, it ruffles, does button holes, and has other attachments that make sewing a breeze.  There is one thing it doesn't have and that's a bobbin case cover.  It's been lost for the past 20 years!  It's hard to sew without it because the fabric gets caught in the bobbin.

Last week, my hubs noticed that if you "test drive" a new Bernina, you can enter to win a BMW.  He thought it was worth checking it out.  We arrived at the Bernina store on Saturday with not only a desire to check out a new sewing machine, but get that chance to win a new car!

After the saleslady showed us all the features of the machine, I sewed on it.  It did straight stitiching, zig-zag, fun and fancy stitches and I tried out all the electronic features.  It was awesome, however, I realized that the only thing the new machine had that mine doesn't have is a bobbin case cover!  (OK, that's an exaggeration) 

We walked away from the store without a new sewing machine but with our names put in for a car!  If we get lucky, I may just buy the machine! 


CB said...

Connie I also have a really old machine but it still works great.
I think a new Bernina would be fab though! I love all the cool computer stuff on it! I hope you not only win the car but get a new Bernina...or at least a bobbin cover!! :)

Kristina P. said...

I don't even know how to use a sewing machine!

Yvonne said...

I love my old Singer, but have to admit that Bernia looks pretty snazzy.

Good luck with the drawing for the car, and I think if you win you definitely should get the Bernia.

Amy said...

It sounds like a good investment for you! Go purchase a new one. I said it's okay. However, not the same for me. If I need something that needs sewing/mending, I ask the husband to do it. LOL

wendy said...

It is amazing how they have improved those machines over the years.

but the mere thought of a needle and thread has me hyperventilating!!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

You make me laugh!
I am gonna pray that you win the BMV. Is that bad?
You deserve it.

Connie said...

Tauna, if I win the BMW because of your prayers, I'll send you a list of prayer-worthy items!

Melanie said...

Berninas are only like the BEST sewing machine IN THE WORLD!!!!! I can't stand Singers after using a Bernina. I LOVE BERNINAS!!!!

Cheeseboy said...

I have a good feeling about this. You are getting both the sewing machine and the car.

I still don't know what a bobbin case cover is.

Joanie said...

I am seriously going to send all my positive thoughts your way. A good diversion would suit me just fine right now.

Julie Harward said...

Thats what I have too, love it! It's the first machine I have ever had, loved the lessons they gave too. Lets hope he gets that new car too!!!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Does BMW stand for Bernina Motor Works?

Mikki said...

I'd like a new machine, one that does all those cool stitches. HEck, I'll take your old model after you buy your new one! LOL

Natalie said...

I love to sew too. I learned on my Grandmother's machine that had a wheel on the right side that you have to hand turn to make the needle go up and down. I still have that machine.
Hope you win the Beemer.

Barbaloot said...

Anyone that is capable of making ruffles and button holes on a sewing machine deserves a new BMW!

My grandma taught me on several occasions how to sew...but I still really don't know how. I hope she's not disappointed up on heaven when she sees how domestic I'm not.

Doran & Jody said...

Crossing my fingers for you for the BMW.

Make a top for that thing with a little masking tape, sticky side to sticky side with the top a little longer to tape to the top of your machine. Can you picture that?

Camille said...

Dad... anything for the chance to win something new - even signing up on Facebook for a bag of Snickers. :) Hope you win that car! Should wouldn't mind going for a ride.

Tracy said...

Too funny!! You always make me smile!! I'm hoping you win the BMW and buy the sewing machine!!

Anonymous said...

Man, I bet that thing made some killer Halloween costumes over the years! I always loved my parents for working together on great costumes for us. My dad would help come up with the ideas and my mom would sew them. One year it was her own version of wonder woman underoos! Matching ones for me and my sister. That was awesome! Hope you win the car!

Kerin said...

Well I'll cross my fingers for you both!!
I think a new machine would be fantastic.....especially considering that you might have to make a custom steering wheel cover for the BMW :)

Jill K said...

you can have mine! Your sewing machine's a witch.

Julie said...

oohhhh I'll keep all my fingers and toes crossed that you win!! Wouldn't that be SWEEEET???

Mamarazzi said...

its been FOREVER since i took my sewing machine out of the closet. i really need to do have inspired me to get creative!

Valerie said...

If your hubby wins that car.... wait.... WHEN your hubby wins that car, he will definitely have to buy you a new bobbin cover!!!

Kamee said...

Connie your going to be one HOT mamma in that new car!! Good Luck too you!! And hey you deserve that new machine:)

Valerie said...

Good luck on that winning a car thing! I think Andy's about due, isn't he? :)
I need a new sewing machine...just something very basic...My machine needs to go to the sewing machine graveyard.

Jenny said...

My hubby bought me my first sewing machine.

Hope you win the new car!