Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Happy Birthday to a Confused 3-year-old

"Kelsey, how old are you today?" 
Without batting an eye, 3-year-old Kels said, "Five!" then held up 4 fingers!

Happy Birthday, Kelsey! 
Sorry to have to tell you this, but the older you get, the worse the confusion.  Just ask Grandpa!

Camille, at Make It Work Mom, has featured me today as a "Mom Who Makes it Work"!  I promised her a batch of brownies if she made me look good.  I don't think I'm going to have to worry about the brownies! 


Kristina P. said...

Kelsey is adorable.

Joanie said...

Happy Birthday Kelsey,
What a cutie~!I bet she is going to have a super great day with her family.So happy she knows how old she is.

Camille said...

You don't think I can make you look good?? Well, granted, I don't own the PhotoShop skillz like unca Dan does, but just posting what you've written is all I need to do to make you look good. Thanks for playing :) And I'll expect those brownies on my next visit....

Barbaloot said...

There aren't many birthdays left where she's gonna wanna say she's older than she is:)

CB said...

Kelsey is a doll - You have the most beautiful family Connie.
I just read Camille's post about you. At first I thought she was interviewing YOU about your mother then I realized that it was your daughter talking about you. She did a beautiful job - and she is truly blessed to have you for a mother - you are a wonderful lady!
I absolutly LOVE the picture at the top of her post, you look radiant and happy!

Teachinfourth said...

I was always amazed just how dumb my parents were when I was a kid and again how much they progressed as I got older to knowing things. It's sad to think that they'll one day go back to how I remembered.

Jenny said...

Such a cute photo of you!

I never appreciated my parents until I was a mother. Even now I have apologized for some of those gray hairs that I cause to show up tad early.

Valerie said... least Kelsey has all her bases covered!
Happy birthday to a cute little girl.

Tracy said...

Watch out!! I think you better start making those brownies!! I checked out the post and you are beautiful inside and out!!

What a cute little birthday girl!! Enjoy her! :-)

Darla said...

I purposely forget how old I am:-D

If I make you look good will I get brownies too? Let’s see...

Connie has the best sense of humor and can always make me laugh even when I don't feel like it. She is gracious, kind, caring and service is her middle name. Connie is always thinking of others and looking to ease the burdens of many. You can't help but feel good about life and yourself after spending even just a few minutes with her.

Ah, never mind I don't need brownies, just being your friend is treat enough:-D

No Joke!
P.S. Great post Camille, you did your mom proud!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Sounds like Kelsey is a sweetheart!
I love what comes out of little ones mouths.

I'll have to check out Camille's site cuz I wanna see what she did to you.........mustaches, dorky eyebrows....

Love ya!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Wow! It seems like she was born yesterday. Really.

And I am on my way to C's site. :)

Mikki said...

Happy Birthday to Kelsey!! What a cutie!
I think you do owe her those brownies. Seems to me like you're an awesome mom who's definitely making it work. I found some great advice in that spotlight. Perhaps the chocolate stash makes the sense of humor come easier?

Natalie said...

Happy Birthday to cute little Kelsey.
I loved the Make It Work Mom post. I agree that you are the "awesomest" Mom ever.
I want to be like you.:)

Yvonne said...

So right--it gets a whole lot worse.

When I was in California I played this fun little board game with my grandkids called Snorta. Everyone has a little barn with an animal in it and you have to remember what everyone's animal is--at that point I realized how bad the memory has gotten ; )

Heather said...

Happy Birthday Kelsey!

Ann Marie said...

I am always here late.. but I will give a belated birthday shout-out. :)

I agree with Cherie.
You are so amazing.. and I am in awe of how you do all you do with blogging.. family, work and your calling. You have quite a gift lady...

Mimi Sue said...

Happy Birthday to Kelsey. Your grandma is right. The older we get the more confused we become. Mimi