Monday, October 25, 2010

Apple Pie Filling

Having apple trees is a good thing when you want to do some apple pie filling.  My family really likes this recipe and I bottle it every year. 

I like to start with the sauce so it will be ready to pour over the apples. 

Apple Pie Filling
4 1/2 cups sugar
1 cup corn starch
1 Tablespoon cinnamon
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. nutmeg
10 cups water
3 Tablespoons lemon juice

Place dry ingredients in a large sauce pan and stir together.  Add water and place over medium high heat.  Stir until smooth.  Bring to a simmer and cook until thick. (usually a few minutes after it simmers)  Add the lemon juice.  Keep warm.  This recipe should fill 7 quarts.

Peel, core and slice the apples.  You can use a variety of apples.  Most of them work well.  I used Golden Delicious.  If you have one of these handy, dandy apple peelers, you'll save a lot of time. 

Pack quart jars tightly with the peeled, sliced apples.  Don't let the apples stand too long, or they will turn brown.  Pour sauce slowly over apples until it has settled around each slice and is to the first rim of the jar.
Wipe off tops of jars and put on lid and the band.  Process 25 minutes in a boiling water canner.

One quart jar of filling will make an 8" pie.  You can also make apple crunch or apple cake. Warm it up and put it over ice cream, or just eat it out of the jar!  YUM!


Jenny Lynn said...

you amazing me with your mad canning skills. I only hope that I can fallow your example and create something yummy for my family.

Camille said...

I'm glad you have apple trees! :) I wish I was around to help you more. Hopefully you got some help from Jake and Henry...

Tracy said...

You're just a busy little beaver all the time!! They look amazing!!

CB said...

You are the canning Queen Connie!! I cannot believe how much and how many different things you can!! I am in awe :-D

P.S. On the picture posting thing. I never even thought about it. I always post pictures of everything ward parties, campouts, etc...and nobody has ever seemed to mind. If the didn't like it I would for sure take their picture down.

Melanie said...

I am so glad you post how to do this. This sounds wrong but I fully intend to start canning once Adam has a job and I can't wait to use your recipe's!!

Joanie said...

Looking at your blog makes my mouth water for a good apple pie. Can hardly wait to come home.

gigi said...

I used this recpe last year and foolowed your lead and made apple pie filling! I felt so smart :)
Thanks for being such a great example.

Kristina P. said...

I have never made apple pie. It sort of scares me!

Unknown said...

This Apple Pie Filling looks so tasty. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. I like your Apple Pie filling recipe. Thanks for sharing nice recipe.

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Yvonne said...

Seriously, is there anything you don't do????

You AMAZE me.

Julie Harward said...

Yummy, what a great thing to have on hand! They look so good! :D

Doran & Jody said...

Let me say you deliver?

Heather said...

That looks so yummy! I will have to copy and paste this recipe! Thanks!

karen said...

Oh my! I may have to give this a good try. It looks so delicious, but I worry that none of the jars would find their way to a pie - I'd spoon it right out of the jar!

wendy said...

You're going to have to prove it to me....can I have a warm piece of apple pie please!!!!

Ann Marie said...

Looks delish!!!
I hope you kept it in the kitchen for a few days to admire it!

I WISH I knew someone with apple trees that produced this year.. I bought a dryer and was hoping to dry some! -- Maybe I'll have to sneak down to a farmers market!

Kerin said...

Oh Yum!
I think this is about the same way that we make apple pie filling. It sure was a welcome gift last Christmas and I made some cinnamon crisp topping to go along with the pie filling. It was a hit.
Man, oh man.... I'll bet your house smells divine :)
Have a great one !

Mimi Sue said...

I have a box of apples that I'll be making into applesauce tomorrow. Last year we made apple pie filling. Love to open the jar and just smell it. Mimi

Susan R said...

Oh my goodness! What is that vice looking thing? Does it actually peel and slice the apple? If that's what it's doing, I have to have one of those.
Apple pie is both mine and my oldest son's favorite sweet treat in the world. As a matter of fact, when it's my birthday, my family knows not to bother with birthday cake...I get a Birthday Apple Pie and so does my son. We are wierd that way.

Karen Mello Burton said...

I am going to do dome this weekend, when I can breath. Looks delish!

Mikki said...

Oh my yumminess! looks amazing.
How about you just send me a couple of jars instead? LOL

KC said...

Is there anything you can that ISN'T delicious?! I think maybe next year I will try this one! Maybe!

Valerie said...

Looks yummy!
I need to start canning again. (I know, I know, I said that last year too!!!)

Unknown said...

Pack well-gallon bottles peeled, sliced apples. Do not let the apples sit for too long, or turn brown. Pour the sauce over the apples slowly until it is resolved around the slice and the jar rim first.

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Anne Fannie said...

Wow, thanks so much for the recipe and instructions! I have a tree full of apples and I don't know what to do with all of them! Now I do!