Saturday, October 23, 2010

Dressed to the Nines

My daughter, Camille, had the opportunity to be a jeans model for Wasatch Woman Publications.  If you haven't already taken a look at her fun and fancy pictures, you can go here to check 'em out!  Notice her shoes!  They add 4 inches to her already 5 foot 11 inch frame!


Amy said...

She looks amazing! What a proud mom you are and should be! I wish I had some of her height...oh, heck, I wished I looked like her!!!

Julie Harward said...

WOW...what a beauty! I think she got that from her mama! ;D

Kerin said...

What a cutie!
I've always wanted to be taller.... maybe I should get me those shoes :)

Karen Mello Burton said...

I am starting to get the feeling that C is tryin to break into the business, the way she keeps popping up everywhere. :)

CB said...

I saw it on her blog yesterday - She is stunnning!!!

wendy said...

Holy Moly...what a gorgeous daughter. She looks like a professional model for sure.

Barbaloot said...

She looks beautiful! I need to get some 4 inch heels to add to my 5'1" frame... Then I need to learn how to walk in them:)

Joanie said...

She looks stunning. How exciting for the whole family. I saw it on her blog yesterday. Still excited that I was able to see it.

Tracy said...

How FUN is that?!! She is definitely not a plane looking woman as she stated in her post!! Just the opposite in fact!! I want someone to do that for me, tell me what to wear, etc...!!

You should be proud!!

Linda said...

Oh to be 5'11"! Heck, I'd love to be 5'5"!

I'm heading over now to look at her pictures...

Jenny Lynn said...

I would love to look as nice as she does!

karen said...

Wow - she is gorgeous!

Yvonne said...

She is beautiful. What great pics.

Doran & Jody said...

Oh she is gorgeous!!

Heather said...

Way cute pictures! Was that at SouthTown mall? I was just there last week and Ayla rode the carousel. I didn't know they had a carousel.

Mikki said...

She looks amazing!!! Very cute, and I love the shoes. She looks very statuesque!