Saturday, October 30, 2010

A Full Day

Friday we had no school.  That meant I didn't go to work.

The day started with this:

Then to my grandkid's elementary school for the costume parade.

Keiti and Kels dressed up, waiting for the parade to start.

Mr. Cy - a happy Incredible Hulk. (No masks on the face, just on top of the head)

Miss Em, a surprised witch with a heart on her face?

After the parade, it was time to go to Candice's house for a rip-roaring time bottling vegetable soup. There were 2 women and 5 "helpers" to get the job done.

Here's one of the helpers now!  As you can see, we wouldn't have been able to bottle without her, even though we tried.

We used 90 lbs of potatoes, 15 lbs of carrots, 12 pounds of celery, and 15 pounds of onions to fill 86 quarts with the soup.

I could hardly move when we were finished.  It does feel good now that it's done!  If you'd like the recipe for this soup, click here.  It's great to put on the shelf and in a pinch, you have delicious homemade soup within minutes! 

Chicken soup with bottled chicken and a can of corn. 

Beef soup with tomatoes, hamburger, corn and green beans.
I'm getting hungry so I better go.


Kristina P. said...

You are one busy lady! Love the costumes.

Yvonne said...

I LOVE homemade soup. You continually amaze me.

Halloween parades are always great fun.

Amy said...

Sounds like a great day off! The soup looks great!

karen said...

I sure wish I lived closer to you. I might actually do things like bottle soup and such if I had friends to do it with! What a great thing to have on hand!

Barbaloot said...

Yum-I'm definitely gonna have to save that soup recipe!

wendy said...

That's a lot of work, but I can see Well worth it.
and I love soups in the fall and winter
especially with yummy breads....which I can't really eat right now due to w.w.
I have lost 5 lbs though (despite the piece of pie...tee,hee)

and halloween is the best when we get to see our grandkids all dressed up so cute


You failed to mention it was an EVIL heart on her face...I'm going to listen to Unca Dan next time and call in a professional to make Halloween right. Thanks for the fun afternoon canning soup. Let the cold weather come...I'm ready!

Jenny Lynn said...

Such a great day then, that soup looks so heart warming.

Julie Harward said...

That is a great day! I love the school Halloween parades! The potatoes look awesome..YUM! ;D

Tracy said...

You have more energy than anyone I know!! I'm pretty sure I want to be you when I grow up!!

LOVE the kiddos in costumes! :-)

Mimi Sue said...

It's definitely soup weather and yours looks delish. Mimi

Joanie said...

I am so glad that you had the day off to go see the grand-kids parade. So did you dress up at school?

Karen Mello Burton said...

I love your soups. And I love you too.

Kerin said...

You're such a busy bee :)
Great pictures of the kids costume parade!
The soup looks yummy!
I will have to make some one of these days, when we get settled, and back to canning again :)
Have a great day!!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Can I borrow you and Candice? I have some garden stuff that needs cannin'.

Looks delicious. I'm still in love over the tomato soup recipe of yours that I canned!

Doran & Jody said...

These looks so DeLIsh! I would love to do this. Unfortunately I do NOT have a pressure canner and besides that...they scare my guts. What is they decided to 'splode?

gigi said...

I love your pictures of the GRAND's, darling :)

I made your soup this past year and need to make some more. I put up 15 pints of pork loin, 9 pints of beef stew meat and 9 jars of baby carrots this afternoon! I love canning and filling my shelves with food. You are an inspiration, my frined!