Monday, November 1, 2010


Early Saturday morning, a group of women went out for their 2nd annual Halloween breakfast.  They should have suspected that this breakfast would be a little unusual when they pulled in to the parking lot of the restaurant that was over flowing with pickup trucks filled with antlers, manure, rifles, and cowboy hats!
To get in to the Halloween spirit, this group of friends dressed "up" in pajamas, robes, slippers, and hair rollers.  They approached the restaurant in a jovial mood, anxious to get caught up with each other's life. 
They opened the door and saw a sign that read, "please seat yourself."  They looked around the joint to spy the perfect booth.  It was at that time they noticed they were the only ones in the room of the female gender!  They had invaded the local men's hangout!  Amidst the glares, stares and chuckles, the women chose a corner booth away from the men. 

This man is saying, "What are THEY doing here?  I left THAT at home!" 

The women had a wonderful time!  They laughed, cried, talked, ate, and got caught up on all the latest!

Emma and Darla

Lynette, Me and Valerie

When they left, 2 hours later, the same men were STILL there! 

Next year we'll go to the Primrose Retreat, and avoid the men all together, or we may just go here again and wear something even MORE ridiculous! 

p.s.  If you recognize your spouse in this group of men, apologize to him for us!


Julie said...

This just makes me laugh! I love that you would do this! And I love even more that just because of a few men, you didn't run the other way! :)

Julie Harward said...

LOL That is so funny! I would love to do that! What a fun night that must have been. What did you have on your face that you could leave on it for 2 hours?! ;D

CB said...

What a totally fun thing to do! Right up my alley - I sure wish I lived closer to you girls!!
I love the rollers and the face cream - Ha Ha.
Neat tradition and now I have my thinking cap on for next year!!

P.S. Connie I have been loving your new profile picture - it is so cute to see your eyes :-D

Amy said...

Too funny! Love the attire! Glad to see you had a good time with Halloween!

Kristina P. said...

You guys are a super fun bunch!

Kamee said...

Connie you look GREAT!!! I have to admit that my Dad is one of the men that hang out here....every morning for guy time. But I don't see him in your picture:)! I think?? that Emma is my sister in laws friend. What a fun time. Love it!!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

OK, that is officially the funniest thing ever!
"I left that at home"

I think you are totally fabulous!

Camille said...

Is that a Mary Kay face mask?

Joanie said...

How cute! you gave all the men something to talk about. I hope you had a huge breakfast.

Karen Mello Burton said...

I am just glad none of you went dressed as a deer. That could have been dangerous.

Yvonne said...

LOL at Kazzy's comment ; )

What a fun thing to do--what a GREAT group of women.

Jenny Lynn said...

AWE, how much fun...I wore my pjs to work on Friday. The children kept asking me what I was.

I love how you got up and went as you were!

Barbaloot said...

I say you go to the same place next year and dress like the men:)

Natalie said...

What a fun outing. I can just imagine the talking and laughing going on in both groups. HA!

Darla said...

Ah yes, some of us were less couragous to come completely how we woke up. Connie won the prize. We had a great time! Maybe next year we dress up like men and go to a "girls" hang out.

Doran & Jody said...

LOL! How fun is that!!

Sadly I knew a lady in my other ward that would run around with rollers in her hair. And SOMETIMES she would take the rollers out but not comb the curls out, even for church. Silly lady.

karen said...

What a fun tradition! My favorite meal of the day too - breakfast! You crazy girls - wish I lived by you!

Ann Marie said...

Oh Connie.. your so hot!
Seriously.. you rock the rollers!

I LOVE the pictures! I only know Valerie.. but I haven't met her yet!
Hopefully one day!

I LOVE Kazzy's comment.
Too funny.

Cheeseboy said...

That's fetchin' awesome. What guts you guys had. Looks like a great time.

Valerie said...

Great tradition! Although, if I were you I'd think of another place to eat next year too. :) Now I'm curious where that was. hehe

wendy said...

Whaa ha ha ha that was hysterical.
"I left That at home" funny.

looks like alot of the handouts where the farmers go and stay for hours around here.

you gals are great.

Valerie said...

Oh, I figured out where you ladies were. :)

Nancy Face said...

Funny story! And I love your face more than anything! YAY! :D

gigi said...

What a fun good time! You ladies are a hoot and I would have so totally gone with you :)

Valerie said...

I love that non of you were intimidated by manure, guns and men! YOU GO GIRLS!!!
What a fun idea! I have a group of crafty friends here and I wonder if I can get any of them to go out in robes and rollers.... hmmmm....