Saturday, May 21, 2011

Between the Storms

We've seen more rain than sun the past few weeks.  Today was a beautiful, sunny day! The weatherman says that we will have rain for the next 3 days so today we took advantage of the good weather.

I started out with a 6 mile run.   I need to train for the half-marathon.  It was the perfect morning to be out running.

We did yard work.  I love all the textures and color on the side of the house.  

We had a gymnastics extravaganza with Kels (on the left) C8 (next to Kels) and K8E on the right in the red skirt.  (Don't mind my blurry picture.) Why do chubby tummies look so cute on 3-year-olds? They were so fun to watch on the balance beam, the bar and doing summersaults and cart wheels on the mat.

In the mail I got a box filled with these delicious peanut clusters from Maggie at "Just Between You and Me".  I won her giveaway!  Thanks, Maggie!

Last night, my daughter, Jill, and I got a pedicure, manicure and facial!  What a way to end a long, busy week!  It was warm enough today to go barefoot outside.   Is it inappropriate to post a picture of my feet since they look like Fred Flintstone's feet?

Yes, it's been a beautiful day between the storms.  I'll take it!

I hope your day has been just as nice!


Kristina P. said...

Rain again! Glad I got a pedicure too!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Hey Fred! Love your feet.

I'm a little upset at you for taking my sunshine though.

I love the yard. It's so green and the flowers are so purty.

You are my hero for running.
My hero I'm tellin' ya!

Natalie said...

Your yard looks great.

Your feet are cute.

You are awesome for running.

Yummy win.

Love the nice days.

See you soon.

:) and hugs.

Joanie said...

Sounds like a perfect day. I bet your toes loved the pedicure after all the running you have been doing. Happy it was a sunny day so that you could show them off. They look great.

Kerin said...

You go girl :)
Doing great with all the good things you've been up to; running, yard work, and pampering yourself a bit. Hope your weekend is great and hopefully we will start to get more sunny days!

mCat said...

The break in storms was glorious! I just wish we could be done with them for more than a day or two!

Your yard looks lovely. I saw my neighbor mowing for what will be the one and only time this season. Or likely next. I should sneak a picture.

CB said...

You are funny! I have "square feet" too - Us square feet people gotta stick together!! Your pedi looks great!

Isn't it nice to finally have a warm day here and there! We had one yesterday also and I took my son to the waterpark and actually got some color on this white body!!
I need to do some yard work though.

Here's to more summery days ahead...soon!

Julie Harward said...

WOW...I think you deserved that pedicure my friend! :D

Mikki said...

Ooh! I just love this background and your header--way cute!!
Glad you got to enjoy your calm between the storms! I tell ya', the weather has just been crazy lately.
Here, it's up and down--warm one week, chilly the next.

gigi said...

Glad you took some time for yourself! You deserve it! Love the pedi! Cute toes. Beautiful yard too. Sorry for all the rain. We sure need it on our side of the USA!

Yvonne said...

I can't believe how much rain you all have gotten. Hope it stops when I get there--I'm wanting sunshine--and it is all about me, isn't it ; )

Way to go on that long run.

Heidi is giving me a pedicure for Mother's Day--I'm collecting after the half--don't want all those callouses filed off until AFTER the run.

You have cute little feet.

Your yard is BEAUTIFUL.

Congrats on the blog win.

Tracy said...

Hey, I'd take a day of sun in between the rain!! Please send some sun my way!! :-)

Your yard looks amazing as do your feet!! Enjoy your yummy candy! :-)

karen said...

You go, girl! Love how pretty your yard looks. And I'm jealous of your pedicure - my last one I somehow got talked into green - kind of the same green as M&Ms. It was fun for about 5 minutes and I've deeply regretted it ever since. I get to change it on Friday!

Anonymous said...

Your yard is gorgeous, Connie. Love the pedicure and the pretty skies too!

jules said...

We've had soooo much rain here too. I'm still waiting for a sunny day to show off the cute pedi I got a couple weeks ago.

Your yard looks absolutely beautiful.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Nice yard! Nice toes!

Nice to see you today. I think you are swell.

Cheeseboy said...

My day has been great and is about to get better due to a U2 concert tonight. Wish I could smuggle in some of those chocolates though.

The Newest Mexicans said...

Take it down.... take it down so help me...

Valerie said...

I sure wish chubby tummies looked good on us ladies! :)

What a delish prize to win. Hope you enjoyed the sun today too. We sure haven't had much of it.

Laura Lynn said...

We are working in-between the rain too but your yard looks great. And awesome job on the run! Go go!

Susan Anderson said...

My son's friends are all into running with those strange shoes that are supposed to feel like going barefoot. They look more like a glorified sock.

Have you seen them?
