Saturday, May 14, 2011

Soccer Full Circle

After spending years sitting out in the cold, snow, rain or blistering sun; watching my children either chase the soccer ball around the field or stare off in to space, I'm back at it again!  Only this time I don't have to take anyone to practice!

Mr. Cy has the eye of the tiger!

 Miss Em is ready for anything that comes her way!

3-year-old C8 thinks soccer...


Soccer hasn't changed over the past 20 years!
What a way to spend a Saturday

As a side note:  I signed up to run a half-marathon in August. I know that for many of you this is a piece of cake but it's going to be hard work for me! 

Now that I've told you, I can't back out!  Yikes!


Heffalump said...

Have fun running your race! I am not nearly that brave...
C8 really does look bored!

Julie Harward said...

That is a piece of cake I wouldn't want to eat..way to go brave lady. As for the too, and here I thought I had enough soccer for 2 life times and with the grands, it's all new again! ;D

Teachinfourth said...

I enjoy watching baseball a bit more than soccer...also it's easier to take photos, too. Good luck on your race!

Patty Patterson said...

The 1/2 marathon would be a lot of work for me, too. It sounds like a challenge.

And no, soccer hasn't changed. It's still a great way to spend a Saturday. The kids are super cute in their uniforms and they're getting fresh air and exercise. What could be better?

mCat said...

Soccer was never the thing for my boys so I can say that I have never sat through a game.

Hobble creek half is a SPECATULAR half marathon! If it's your first, its a goodie! The course if beautiful, it's well run and down hill. You will LOVE it! Can't wait to hear all about ti!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love your pictures! In high school (100 years ago!!!) I loved to run; not so much any more! Best wishes as you prepare for the marathon.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Sounds like you have a busy summer ahead of you. that's a lot of soccer.
C8 looks like she's NOT having a good time.

You are my hero if you are going to do a half. I bow to your greatness.

Cheeseboy said...

Who is it a piece of cake for? Marathoners. I've run 5 halves and they are always killer for me.

I wish I could just go to the games, not practice. Someday.

Yvonne said...

You are such a wonderful grandma--so supportive.

Love the pictures and the commentary--PERFECT.

And I know you can do it--the half-marathon will be great.

karen said...

I really miss those Saturday games - we had soccer, football and baseball, and then later on water polo. I'm probably remembering them better than they were, but I did love to watch them play. Looking forward to the grandkids' sports/activities!
Good for you on the 1/2 marathon - I wish I could run one with you!

Valerie said...

Awwww. Poor C8.

Running a half-marathon (or even a block) wouldn't be hard work for me. It would kill me! Of course, I do have asthma, but still, I couldn't do it. You are amazing!

Kelly said...

I am so impressed about the half marathon. I assure you it would be very hard for me too!

Doran & Jody said...

LOL...just this past weekend I asked daddy if he missed sitting in the freezing rain/wind watching the kids play soccer. NOPE with no hesitation.

Good luck with your training and race. I am SO excited for you!!!

wendy said...

That's exactly WHY I never tell anyone what I am doing in advance.
just incase..........

It will be awesome for you to run a 1/2 marathon. WAY. TO. GO.
See I am congratulating you in advance, so now you have to do it even more, cause then it would be embarassing for you since I already congratulated you and all.
did that make any sense???

It is fun to watch the grandkids play soccer When I get to Utah this week, I'll get to go to a soccer game and a little league baseball game.
can't wait.

Joanie said...

Connie,you are an inspiration to run a marathon. Now I know what you will be practicing this summer. I can ride my bike beside you.

Vanessa said...

ok I am glad you posted pictures of her playing soccer cause i was just about to bug camille for one to see :)


gigi said...

You are a great example to your GRANDkids and to all of us! Go Connie, GO!!!!

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Connie what a fun way to spend the day. I love these pictures of your babies. Isn't it something to watch our childrens children doing the very same games. lol
Well any kind of marathon would be hard so I am very very proud of you and will be cheering you on.
I finally made your chocolate tonight and it goes to the post office tomorrow.
Hope it is good
Love ya

Karen Mello Burton said...

Yay for the HC 1/2! You are amazing!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on the commitment! I'm sooo impressed!

Rebecca said...

Good luck on your half marathon! I run in place for about 4 minutes every morning.

Kerin said...

Great pictures! I remember those days well. We even had a case of pneumonia...thanks to a game of soccer played in the snow .
I'm very impressed with your desire to run, and wish you the best of luck in training and in the run. Represent !
Hope that the rest of your week is terrific.

Natalie said...

WOW! I am in awe of you. Running a half-marathon will be awesome and I know you will do it.

I was a soccer mom and you have cute little grandkids.

Let's get together soon. Give me a call when you're free.

Mimi Sue said...

We've spent a few Saturdays watching the grandkids play soccer too. When my kids were younger I'd get in the car at 3:30 and not get home til 6. Don't miss that one little bit. Mimi

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Hey Connie just checking on you and to let you know the chocolate was mailed out and hopefully you have it by now.
Thanks again for entering my giveaway
I appreciate you so much