Sunday, May 1, 2011

Graduation, a Race and Flowers

Graduation Day!  
Jill graduated from UVU on Friday.  She really IS smart even though she's holding her diploma upside down.

With her last name of Kaufusi, you know there will be lots and lots of flowers! I think she had more flowers placed around her neck than they had at Buckingham Palace earlier that morning!  

Here she is with her Dad. Yes, even her parents got lei-ed! It really was fun to see all her husband's family there with the leis.  Fun tradition!

She accomplished a lot during the past 4 years.  Not only did she go to school and maintain a great GPA, but she is a fantastic mom and wife.

Way to go, Jill!  We're proud of you!

On Saturday there was a half-marathon/5K race at Thanksgiving Point.  Candice ran the half marathon. (Great job, Candice!) Camille and I didn't leave our comfort zone.  We trotted along in the 5K race. The Point boasted of their beautiful tulips that we'd be able to see.  The 5K group didn't get to see many tulips but what we did see were covered in snow! It was cold but ended up being a great day for a race.

Camille, Me and Candice after the race.  
   It's great to be old...I came in 3rd in my age group and got a trophy! (Now, if I can just remember where I put it.) 

Hoping for some Spring weather this week.


Julie Harward said...

Congratulations to her..thats great! And way to go to you for making it over the finish line! ;D

Valerie said...

Congratulations, Jill!!!
Saturday was cold~ Sorry the tulips were snow covered, but good job on your 5k!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Bwwaaaahahahaha if you can just remember where you put it!!!!
Congrats old lady, you are awesome for even running in the snow. If it is snowing when I go out to run, I just stay home and thumb my nose at running. So there!

Ya for the graduate. I think she is darling and at least she was wearing flowers that hadn't been snowed on!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Bwwaaaahahahaha if you can just remember where you put it!!!!
Congrats old lady, you are awesome for even running in the snow. If it is snowing when I go out to run, I just stay home and thumb my nose at running. So there!

Ya for the graduate. I think she is darling and at least she was wearing flowers that hadn't been snowed on!

Barbaloot said...

That is a lot of flowers! Congrats to her and to you:)

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Apparently I think I am worth reading twice. Sorry about that.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Then I realize that by posting an apology I even think I am worth reading even more.

Kimmie said...

What an awesome accomplishment for Jill! My hat's off to anyone that can go to college and maintain a great GPA and and be a wife and mom at the same time is AMAZING in my book!! I can't even imagine keeping home life together and tackling school as well. YAY for JILL and she looks gorgeous with all of the flowers around her neck and her hubby, kids and dad standing by her!

You inspire me with all of you 5K runs!! Jade has been begging me to get out their running with him. I have a bad knee and so I am nervous to, but then I see plenty of people at his track meets that have knee problems that are running. I need to follow your example and get out there running!! BTW...did you know that exercise is the fountain of are keeping SO young and healthy with all of your races you run!! YOU ARE AWESOME!!

Hope this week is warmer for you and that you get to enjoy the gorgeous tulips in Utah! We are barely getting blooming daffodils in Idaho. Hopefully before the last of May we will get to enjoy some gorgeous tulips!

Enjoy the last few weeks of school!

Jenny Lynn said...

way to go Jill. She has such a cute family.

Wow, there was snow on the ground up here. I admire you for coming and running in the cool of the morning. I was glad it melted by mid morning.

Midlife crisis forced me to delete my I am back at my original blog here...

gigi said...

Wow!! Beautiful daughter covered in beautiful flowers!! Very nice pictures and I know yall are so proud!
Very proud of you and Camille! And you get even more points for running in the snow!!! You are amazing!

Yvonne said...

Congratulations, Jill. That is wonderful. What a beautiful girl.

Way to go, Connie. Third place in your age group is amazing. And in the snow--WOW.

Tracy said...

Sounds like you all had an exciting weekend. I love college graduations, especially when it's your own kids that have achieved such a worthwhile goal!!

AND...what about you??!! I'm impressed that you made it to the starting line not to mention crossing the finish line!! :-) Way to go!!

Kristina P. said...

Congrats to Jill! She is such a cutie.

Doran & Jody said...

WoHOOOO!! Great job for you!

Ann Marie said...

Yay for Jill!!!
What an accomplishment!

I LOVE the polynesian traditions.. we have polynesian in our family as well.. and three things I have learned about them.

1- They are the FUNNEST people to be around.
2- They know how to eat. We have the BEST food when we get with that side of the family..
3- They make the MOST beautiful flower leis.. and are the most grateful/humble people.

Jill is a lucky woman.. and her children are beautiful!!

Good job on your run!
You look amazing!

Valerie said...

I'm snickering.... "Yes, even her parents got lei-ed!" That was great!

Congrats to Jill on graduating and congrats on finishing your race! I'm sure the trophy must be hiding in the middle of all those flowers!! (They're gorgeous, BTW!)

Heffalump said...

Congratulations to your daughter Jill on her Graduation!
Woohoo on your race! I used to be a runner, and maybe someday, I will be again!

Valerie said...

Congrats to Jill! We were at UVU on Friday for my brother's graduation. Too bad we didn't bump into each other.

But I WASN'T at the race. I don't all. How fun for you three though.

Camille said...

I don't know what's the greater accomplishment: graduating from college or running a first half marathon?!
Does making it over a finish line after 3 miles count for anything? What if I told you I ate a greasy burger with bacon and lots of melted cheese the night before?...

Anonymous said...

Congrats to the beautiful grad! Oh, I can't imagine running, especially in the snow. Delightful to meet you. Stop by any time!

Kerin said...

Congratulations all around!
What wonderful accomplishments for you and your family. Makes a Mom's heart burst with happiness :)
I'm sooo impressed with you and your running! Way to go!
Hope your week is a great one.

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Wow Congradulations to both of you. You can continue to celebrate by coming by my site and checking out your surprise

Cheeseboy said...

Congrats and awesome! With a last name like Kafussi, I do hope her kids grow up to play for the Utes and not the Cougars!

mCat said...

COngrats on the placing in your age group! It is nice getting old just for that reason. And I can't believe you ran in the bitter cold! It was such a yucky day!

wendy said...

Although you placed 3rd (isn't that what you said) did they give you a seperate MEDAL for enduring the cold.

Jill is lovely and must be very proud of her accomplishments. I laughed at the photo of her holding the diploma upside down. So funny.

My baby boy graduates with his Masters from U of U this Friday. Wish I could be there to watch him walk.

and contrary to Cheeseboy....Kaufusi's always play for the Coogs (the good ones, anyway..tee,hee)

and YES Tauna is worth reading many many ....many times.

wendy said...

Although you placed 3rd (isn't that what you said) did they give you a seperate MEDAL for enduring the cold.

Jill is lovely and must be very proud of her accomplishments. I laughed at the photo of her holding the diploma upside down. So funny.

My baby boy graduates with his Masters from U of U this Friday. Wish I could be there to watch him walk.

and contrary to Cheeseboy....Kaufusi's always play for the Coogs (the good ones, anyway..tee,hee)

and YES Tauna is worth reading many many ....many times.

Joanie said...

Congratulations to Jill. What a great accomplishment with her busy live as a wife and mother.
Congrats to Candace also for the marathon.
And you Miss Connie, a trophy to show. Way to go!!

karen said...

Wow - you've been a busy girl! I love the tradition of leis for graduation. When my daughter graduated from BYU Hawaii she got tons of them - so beautiful!

Mimi Sue said...

Congrats to your beautiful daughter. Quite an accomplishment! Mimi

Natalie said...

Congrats to Jill. Way to go.

You are awesome running.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Congrats to Jill! That is a huge accomplishment.

Glad to hear you and A got lei-ed.