Saturday, February 25, 2012

Cell Phone Saturday

President's Day dawned clear and beautiful after a snow storm.  
Hooray for days off from work!  
I went to the temple in the morning.

When I came home I noticed this ice sculpture standing tall and lacy on the block wall.

Just 50 feet from the ice sculpture is the promise of Spring. 

Happy Saturday!


Julie Harward said...

Beautiful...very cool and a hope of spring, awesome! Have a good weekend. :D

Grandma Honey said...

All that snow with spring peeking through. I need to remember this analogy when times are tough. The good is always peeking through, right?! It's always right around the corner.

gigi said...

Gorgeous shot of the Temple :) You are lucky to have one so close. Yeah I think spring is already showing up here. There are lots of flowering bushes.

tammy said...

I would love to visit the snow for a day.

wendy said...

I love these cell phone Saturday's people are doing.
Quite a difference there eh, from an ice sculpture to some new spring growth.

I have been sitting here in a blizzard all day.

Ginger said...

What a beautiful photo of the Temple in the snow! Gorgeous!

Mimi Sue said...

We have a few bulbs poking up too. Soon I'll be complaining about the heat! Mimi

Joanie said...

I am looking forward to spring, as nothing better than fresh flowers growing in your garden.

Barbaloot said...

You should go to the temple on a Saturday morning when I'm working:)

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

I love the pictures! The promise of Spring. Is there really greenery????

My promise of Spring is a fly in the window.....

Small House said...

SPRING...YIPPEE! I love that temple by the way. I've always wanted to attend it and see if the hallways go full circle.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Spring is definitely on the way, but I am afraid Winter is not done with us yet.

When you get your iPhone you can join instagram and share all of these cell photos. :)

Kerin said...

So glad to see a glimps of Spring.
You're staying positive.. way to go!

Yvonne said...

Love the photos.

So glad to know Spring will be here SOON.

Nancy Face said...

The ice sculpture is amazing!