Monday, February 13, 2012

Healthy Habits Competition

My daughter encouraged me to join a Healthy Habits Competition that a woman in her neighborhood started up.  It began January 9th and goes for 8 weeks. There are 8 things we need to do each day and we get a point for each one we accomplish.

1. Get 7 hours sleep.
2.  Eat at least 4 servings of fruits and vegetables. (at least one serving of each)
3.  Stop eating by 8:00 p.m.
4.  No sweets or soda.
5.  Brush teeth twice a day, floss once a day.
6.  Exercise 30 minutes. (Sunday off)
7.  Drink 50 oz. water.
8.  Personal Choice (I chose to read scriptures)

If we did everything, every day we'd have 56 points a week. A full week is considered 50 points so we can "cheat" a bit.  We each paid $10.00. Half of the money is used as drawings each week, for those who have a full week, and the other half is put in a pot at the end of the 8 weeks to be divided evenly among those who have 8 full weeks. 

We're finishing up our 5th week.  These have been my points for the past 5 weeks:
56, 56, 55, 56, 56.  I didn't realize that I was such an over-achiever.  You know what this means? I haven't had chocolate in 5 weeks!! I NEVER thought I could do it, especially when this bag of goodness has been in my pantry since day 1!  Looks like the hubs has been enjoying his AND my share of the bag!

I've lost 8 pounds and am feeling good!
There are three weeks left! I have to stay focused and determined, just like C8!

(Wish I looked that good while exercising)


Jenny Lynn said...

Just looking at the bag of m&m's, I could see myself reaching in for a handful.

I am going to check out the challenge, even though it is almost over. It is wonderful that you have taken on the challenge and are taking care of your self.

J. said...

Love the stylin' workout gear! I wish I looked that good too :). Too cute.

Camille said...

Looks like I've been away from your blog for a while. Look at all these new posts!!! Congratulations on your weight loss! If u want to send all your chocolate up north, I'm on a weight GAIN program (unintentional).

Yvonne said...

Way to go. I don't think I could do the no sweets, although that would be good for me ; )

lesa said...

That is a great challenge. Good for you!

Barbaloot said...

Good for you! That flossing thing would kill me---I hate flossing. But now I want to try a little harder to do it more often:)

gigi said...

You just always inspire me to greater things! You go girl!!

Ginger said...

What a great challenge! I should do that and maybe I could lose some of the extra 20 lbs that I'm tired of packing around!

I feel pretty good cause I already do 5 out of your 8, but the other 3... aye yai yai! Those are rough! Those three would be #'s 2, 4, and 6... no wonder I'm packing 20 extra lbs around! haha

Ginger said...

Oh... PS - congrats on losing the 8 pounds! That's awesome! :)

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Forgive me Connie for I have sinned.
I ate the M&Ms.
They are the all time best chocolate ever.

Good for you on the weight loss and healthy living. I should do something like that.
Wait.....that mean old Camille has got me doing something like that.
Take her back to Utah will ya?
Or ship the chocolate this direction!

Valerie said...

Amazing. Simply amazing. There's NO WAY a bag of M&M's would last that long in our house. Give up chocolate? That would be like cutting off a finger. But the 8 pound loss is commendable! Good job!

CB said...

Those are things that are basic, and that we all should be doing each day and I am ashamed to say that it would probably be hard for me. I'm such a lush - I love sugar! Ha Ha
You really do inspire me and great job on the 8 pounds!!!

karen said...

I'm so jealous of your 8 pounds! You go, girl!

wendy said...

I don't crave sweets..but boy, do I crave salt !!! Salt and Vinegar chips would be far more tempting to me then M&M's.

I've only lost 6 lbs, but I am gonna keep at it (I cheat too many times, woe is me)

Now, that little girl has got some determination on that cute little face!!!

Ann Marie said...

My neighbors do these challenges.. and I think it's fantastic!

Your tempting me with those Peanut M&M's. My weakness....

Grandma Honey said...

You give such great links. I'm still enjoying The Daily Closer to Christ.What a blessing it's become to me.

You go girl with the M and M competition! (or rather lack of) :)

Karen Mello Burton said...

Will you just cut it out with all of your personal discipline and weight loss! Sheesh! :)

Gerb said...

What a fantastic idea! I could use a group like this to get me back in the healthier mindset. Go Connie!!

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Wow you are a go getter. How you did it with M&M's so close is something to be proud of.
I so wish I could be like you and loose 8 lbs.
So happy and proud of you
Happy Valentines Day

Reva said...

You mean I would have to put down this chocolate chip cookie and glass of milk I was literally munching on when I read your post? Heaven forbid.. The only one I can truly claim is #5 and sometimes #3.
I haven't been blogging or visiting around for awhile now but trying to get back into the groove now that things are miniscually slowing down.
Looks like you are doing great.

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed! An open bag of candy, well I couldn't have passed that up too many times. congrats on your 8 lbs being gone!

mCat said...

What a great idea! Some motivation and some camraderie in th challenge! I applaud your will power over the m&m's. Just looking at that bag, now makes me crave them.
Thank you. : )