Friday, February 24, 2012

Pre-Event Fun

Wednesday night I went to the Pre-Event Story@Home party. 
 I am stoked!  
This will be an awesome conference filled with presenters, classes, ideas, experiences and inspiration that will get my juices flowing to write/present/tell my own story.

I took my daughter, Jeanette, and we met Tauna at the Blue Lemon for dinner before the event started.  FYI, if I say, "Meet me for's my treat!", be sure to bring your money.  You just may need it.! I'm still a little red-faced over that. (Word of advice, be sure you have your wallet BEFORE you leave home)

Here we are in one of the rooms at the beautiful Joseph Smith Memorial Bldg. I lifted this picture off the  Story@Home Facebook page.  Check out the Facebook page to see more pictures of the venue.  (If you look in the very back, you'll see Tauna and me.)

Here are some things you may be interested in knowing about the conference:
  • Story@Home will feature iTell ( ), a comfortable lounge with a professional videographer who will record your 15-minute story. They will have interview questions and topic ideas on hand if you'd like to tell your own story, or you can snag your conference buddy and interview her (and maybe even learn something new!). You can receive a disk of the session right then and there or receive an MP3 version after the conference. And it's free with your conference ticket! Check out the link above for more details.
  • Though attendees choose a track when registering, we're encouraging them to hop off track as much as they'd like. If they see a workshop in another track they'd like to attend, they so totally can. We'd love to have everyone mixing it up a bit!
  • The Lower Lights ( ) will be doing a pre-show Friday night before the big Story Slam. Awesome! From what they said about the Story Slam, it's like karaoke combined with improv combined with personal stories. Attendees can buy extra tickets for $7.00 if they'd like family and/or friends to attend the Story Slam competition with them that evening. For more info on the Family Story Slam, you can click here:
  • They will be offering a Boxed Lunch Bonus on Saturday featuring two awesome people, Kim Orlandini and Lindsey Redfern. For $10 attendees can enjoy a delicious boxed lunch (and I'm 99% sure it will be catered by the Garden restaurant) and be inspired/amazed/uplifted by these beautiful women.  All you do is go to the registration page ( and choose the Boxed Lunch Bonus option from the drop-down menu. Then you follow the prompts to register and pay and you're done!
  • FamilySearch has a seriously awesome quick video all about who they are and what they do. We caught site of it last night at the pre-event party. Right now you can only view it via Facebook here: . Check it out you'll be amazed.

If you haven't signed up for the conference yet, it's not too late.  You can go here and take care of that now.
Hope to see you there.  Maybe we can meet for treat!  


Gerb said...

This is going to be such a blast! I'm getting super excited about coming.

lesa said...

You lucky girls!

Barbaloot said...

Sounds so great. It's something I wish I could do with my mom, but I think she'll still be neck-deep in Senate things.

Also, if you see Lower Lights perform, watch for my banjo teacher!! He'll be the one playing banjo...

Ginger said...

I looked through all of those pictures on the Facebook page yesterday... I so wish I was coming up for this! Maybe next year if they do it again!

Are you one of the volunteers then, I'm assuming?! That's awesome! I hope it goes well and everyone that comes has a great time!

gigi said...

I see your sweet faces on that back row!

Ann Marie said...

WHen I saw it on Facebook... I thought I saw you and Tauna in a few pictures. Happy to see you together!! :)

I am not attending the conference.. but I hope I'll see you for dinner or something! :)

wendy said...

I DO, I DO...see you and Tauna.
How fun would that be !!!!
I sure wish I could be there for that conference.

Joanie said...

Looks like you are going to have a great time. I found you right away in the back row. Enjoy, Enjoy!

Grandma Honey said...

Oh you are going to have the BEST time! I so wish I could attend. Please do tell us all about it!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

It was so great to see you and visit with you! You are about the nicest thing in the world! Fun to meet your daughter too. You are hilarious together.

Looking forward to this event!!!!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Can't wait to see you there. :)

Vanessa Brown said...

Ok I have to toot my own horn and brag that I suggested your name to them :) So glad they listened to me!!!

Yvonne said...

Oh how I wish I could have stayed for the big event.

Glad you were able to go to the pre-event. Can't wait to hear all about the actual "Party".